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The ContractPromise interface allows you to interact with a deployed contract. It provides a wrapper around the Abi or metadata JSON and allows you to read contract values and send encoded transactions to the contract.

import { ContractPromise } from '@polkadot/api-contract';

// The address is the actual on-chain address as ss58 or AccountId object.
const contract = new ContractPromise(api, metadata, address);

Reading contract values

Contract queries are executed on any contract message as a dry run, therefore not consuming any real value from the account. Under the hood .query.<messageName> is using the API on the contracts pallet to retrieve a result. It is useful because it encodes the message using the selector and the input values to allow execution in the contract environment. We would get the value of an incrementer contract like so:

// maximum gas to be consumed for the call. if limit is too small the call will fail.
const gasLimit = 3000n * 1000000n;
// a limit to how much Balance to be used to pay for the storage created by the contract call
// if null is passed, unlimited balance can be used
const storageDepositLimit = null
// balance to transfer to the contract account. use only with payable messages, will fail otherwise.
// formerly know as "endowment"
const value: api.registry.createType('Balance', 1000)

// (We perform the send from an account, here using Alice's address)
const { gasRequired, storageDeposit, result, output } = await contract.query.get(

// The actual result from RPC as `ContractExecResult`

// the gas consumed for contract execution

// check if the call was successful
if (result.isOk) {
// output the return value
console.log('Success', output.toHuman());
} else {
console.error('Error', result.asErr);

An example of querying a balance of a specific account on an erc20 contract will therefore be :

// the address we are going to query
const target = '5GNJqTPyNqANBkUVMN1LPPrxXnFouWXoe2wNSmmEoLctxiZY';
// the address to subtract the fees from
const from = '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY';

// only 1 param needed, the actual address we are querying for (more
// params can follow at the end, separated by , if needed by the message)
const callValue = await contract.query.balanceOf(from, { gasLimit: -1 }, target);

In this example we have specified a gasLimit of -1, in a subsequent section we will expand on this. for now, just remember that is indicated to use max available, i.e. we don't explicitly want to specify a value.

Now that we understand the underlying call/read interfaces where a message is executed, but not part of a block, we will look into sending transaction messages in our next section.