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Traverse events

Query the system events and extract information from them. This example runs until exited via Ctrl-C

// Import the API
const { ApiPromise } = require('@polkadot/api');

async function main () {
// Create our API with a default connection to the local node
const api = await ApiPromise.create();

// Subscribe to system events via storage => {
console.log(`\nReceived ${events.length} events:`);

// Loop through the Vec<EventRecord>
events.forEach((record) => {
// Extract the phase, event and the event types
const { event, phase } = record;
const types = event.typeDef;

// Show what we are busy with
console.log(`\t${event.section}:${event.method}:: (phase=${phase.toString()})`);

// Loop through each of the parameters, displaying the type and data, index) => {
console.log(`\t\t\t${types[index].type}: ${data.toString()}`);

main().catch((error) => {