Encrypt & Decrypt Messages
The following example shows how to encrypt and decrypt a message with NaCl (pronouced "salt"), which is a Networking and Cryptography library used in util-crypto.
const {
} = require('@polkadot/util-crypto');
const {
} = require('@polkadot/util');
async function main () {
const secret = randomAsU8a();
const messagePreEncryption = stringToU8a('super secret message');
// Encrypt the message
const { encrypted, nonce } = naclEncrypt(messagePreEncryption, secret);
// Show contents of the encrypted message
console.log(`Encrypted message: ${JSON.stringify(encrypted, null, 2)}`);
// Decrypt the message
const messageDecrypted = naclDecrypt(encrypted, nonce, secret);
// Convert each Uint8Array to a string for comparison
const isMatch = u8aToString(messagePreEncryption) === u8aToString(messageDecrypted);
// Verify that the decrypted message matches the original message
console.log(`Does the decrypted message match the original message? ${isMatch}`);
main().catch(console.error).finally(() => process.exit());