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The following sections contain Extrinsics methods are part of the default asset-hub-polkadot runtime. On the api, these are exposed via api.tx.<module>.<method>.

(NOTE: These were generated from a static/snapshot view of a recent default asset-hub-polkadot runtime. Some items may not be available in older nodes, or in any customized implementations.)


addLiquidity(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location, amount1_desired: u128, amount2_desired: u128, amount1_min: u128, amount2_min: u128, mint_to: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.addLiquidity

  • summary: Provide liquidity into the pool of asset1 and asset2. NOTE: an optimal amount of asset1 and asset2 will be calculated and might be different than the provided amount1_desired/amount2_desired thus you should provide the min amount you're happy to provide. Params amount1_min/amount2_min represent that. mint_to will be sent the liquidity tokens that represent this share of the pool.

    NOTE: when encountering an incorrect exchange rate and non-withdrawable pool liquidity, batch an atomic call with [Pallet::add_liquidity] and [Pallet::swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens] or [Pallet::swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens] calls to render the liquidity withdrawable and rectify the exchange rate.

    Once liquidity is added, someone may successfully call [Pallet::swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens].

createPool(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.createPool

  • summary: Creates an empty liquidity pool and an associated new lp_token asset (the id of which is returned in the Event::PoolCreated event).

    Once a pool is created, someone may [Pallet::add_liquidity] to it.

removeLiquidity(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location, lp_token_burn: u128, amount1_min_receive: u128, amount2_min_receive: u128, withdraw_to: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.removeLiquidity
  • summary: Allows you to remove liquidity by providing the lp_token_burn tokens that will be burned in the process. With the usage of amount1_min_receive/amount2_min_receive it's possible to control the min amount of returned tokens you're happy with.

swapExactTokensForTokens(path: Vec<StagingXcmV4Location>, amount_in: u128, amount_out_min: u128, send_to: AccountId32, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.swapExactTokensForTokens

  • summary: Swap the exact amount of asset1 into asset2. amount_out_min param allows you to specify the min amount of the asset2 you're happy to receive.

    [AssetConversionApi::quote_price_exact_tokens_for_tokens] runtime call can be called for a quote.

swapTokensForExactTokens(path: Vec<StagingXcmV4Location>, amount_out: u128, amount_in_max: u128, send_to: AccountId32, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.swapTokensForExactTokens

  • summary: Swap any amount of asset1 to get the exact amount of asset2. amount_in_max param allows to specify the max amount of the asset1 you're happy to provide.

    [AssetConversionApi::quote_price_tokens_for_exact_tokens] runtime call can be called for a quote.

touch(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.assetConversion.touch

  • summary: Touch an existing pool to fulfill prerequisites before providing liquidity, such as ensuring that the pool's accounts are in place. It is typically useful when a pool creator removes the pool's accounts and does not provide a liquidity. This action may involve holding assets from the caller as a deposit for creating the pool's accounts.

    The origin must be Signed.

    • asset1: The asset ID of an existing pool with a pair (asset1, asset2).

    • asset2: The asset ID of an existing pool with a pair (asset1, asset2).

      Emits Touched event when successful.


approveTransfer(id: Compact<u32>, delegate: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.approveTransfer

  • summary: Approve an amount of asset for transfer by a delegated third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed.

    Ensures that ApprovalDeposit worth of Currency is reserved from signing account for the purpose of holding the approval. If some non-zero amount of assets is already approved from signing account to delegate, then it is topped up or unreserved to meet the right value.

    NOTE: The signing account does not need to own amount of assets at the point of making this call.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer asset.

    • amount: The amount of asset that may be transferred by delegate. If there is already an approval in place, then this acts additively.

      Emits ApprovedTransfer on success.

      Weight: O(1)

block(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.block

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id to and from an account who.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the account's asset.

    • who: The account to be unblocked.

      Emits Blocked.

      Weight: O(1)

burn(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.burn

  • summary: Reduce the balance of who by as much as possible up to amount assets of id.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Manager of the asset id.

    Bails with NoAccount if the who is already dead.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount burned.

    • who: The account to be debited from.

    • amount: The maximum amount by which who's balance should be reduced.

      Emits Burned with the actual amount burned. If this takes the balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount burned is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Post-existence of who; Pre & post Zombie-status of who.

cancelApproval(id: Compact<u32>, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.cancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place between signer and delegate.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

clearMetadata(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.clearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Any deposit is freed for the asset owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

create(id: Compact<u32>, admin: MultiAddress, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.create

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a public origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially and its owner is the origin.

    The origin must conform to the configured CreateOrigin and have sufficient funds free.

    Funds of sender are reserved by AssetDeposit.


    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • admin: The admin of this class of assets. The admin is the initial address of each member of the asset class's admin team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits Created event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

destroyAccounts(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.destroyAccounts

  • summary: Destroy all accounts associated with a given asset.

    destroy_accounts should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all accounts. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit accounts at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedAccounts event.

destroyApprovals(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.destroyApprovals

  • summary: Destroy all approvals associated with a given asset up to the max (T::RemoveItemsLimit).

    destroy_approvals should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all approvals. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit approvals at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedApprovals event.

finishDestroy(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.finishDestroy

  • summary: Complete destroying asset and unreserve currency.

    finish_destroy should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state. All accounts or approvals should be destroyed before hand.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each successful call emits the Event::Destroyed event.

forceAssetStatus(id: Compact<u32>, owner: MultiAddress, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress, min_balance: Compact<u128>, is_sufficient: bool, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceAssetStatus

  • summary: Alter the attributes of a given asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

    • is_sufficient: Whether a non-zero balance of this asset is deposit of sufficient value to account for the state bloat associated with its balance storage. If set to true, then non-zero balances may be stored without a consumer reference (and thus an ED in the Balances pallet or whatever else is used to control user-account state growth).

    • is_frozen: Whether this asset class is frozen except for permissioned/admin instructions.

      Emits AssetStatusChanged with the identity of the asset.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCancelApproval(id: Compact<u32>, owner: MultiAddress, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceCancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed origin with the signer being the Admin account of the asset id.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

forceClearMetadata(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceClearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is returned.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCreate(id: Compact<u32>, owner: MultiAddress, is_sufficient: bool, min_balance: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceCreate

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a privileged origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

    Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • owner: The owner of this class of assets. The owner has full superuser permissions over this asset, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceSetMetadata(id: Compact<u32>, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceSetMetadata

  • summary: Force the metadata for an asset to some value.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is left alone.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(N + S) where N and S are the length of the name and symbol respectively.

forceTransfer(id: Compact<u32>, source: MultiAddress, dest: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.forceTransfer

  • summary: Move some assets from one account to another.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • source: The account to be debited.

    • dest: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the source's balance of assets should be reduced and dest's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the source balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of dest; Post-existence of source; Account pre-existence of dest.

freeze(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.freeze

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id from an account who. who must already exist as an entry in Accounts of the asset. If you want to freeze an account that does not have an entry, use touch_other first.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

freezeAsset(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.freezeAsset

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers for the asset class.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

mint(id: Compact<u32>, beneficiary: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface:

  • summary: Mint assets of a particular class.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount minted.

    • beneficiary: The account to be credited with the minted assets.

    • amount: The amount of the asset to be minted.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existing balance of beneficiary; Account pre-existence of beneficiary.

refund(id: Compact<u32>, allow_burn: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.refund

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of an asset account or a consumer reference (if any) of an account.

    The origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for which the caller would like the deposit refunded.

    • allow_burn: If true then assets may be destroyed in order to complete the refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

refundOther(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.refundOther

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of a target asset account. Useful if you are the depositor.

    The origin must be Signed and either the account owner, depositor, or asset Admin. In order to burn a non-zero balance of the asset, the caller must be the account and should use refund.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • who: The account to refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

setMetadata(id: Compact<u32>, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.setMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Funds of sender are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + MetadataDepositPerByte * (name.len + symbol.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setMinBalance(id: Compact<u32>, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.setMinBalance

  • summary: Sets the minimum balance of an asset.

    Only works if there aren't any accounts that are holding the asset or if the new value of min_balance is less than the old one.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender has to be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • min_balance: The new value of min_balance.

      Emits AssetMinBalanceChanged event when successful.

setTeam(id: Compact<u32>, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.setTeam

  • summary: Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

      Emits TeamChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

startDestroy(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.startDestroy

  • summary: Start the process of destroying a fungible asset class.

    start_destroy is the first in a series of extrinsics that should be called, to allow destruction of an asset class.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed by the asset's owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

thaw(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.thaw

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers to and from an account again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be unfrozen.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

thawAsset(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.thawAsset

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers for the asset again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be thawed.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

touch(id: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.touch

  • summary: Create an asset account for non-provider assets.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

touchOther(id: Compact<u32>, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.touchOther

  • summary: Create an asset account for who.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed by Freezer or Admin of the asset id; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

    • who: The account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

transfer(id: Compact<u32>, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.transfer

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferAll(id: Compact<u32>, dest: MultiAddress, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.transferAll

  • summary: Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller asset account.

    NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer transferable balances. This means that any held, frozen, or minimum balance (when keep_alive is true), will not be transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account, you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage deposits, etc...

    The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • dest: The recipient of the transfer.

    • keep_alive: A boolean to determine if the transfer_all operation should send all of the funds the asset account has, causing the sender asset account to be killed (false), or transfer everything except at least the minimum balance, which will guarantee to keep the sender asset account alive (true).

transferApproved(id: Compact<u32>, owner: MultiAddress, destination: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.transferApproved

  • summary: Transfer some asset balance from a previously delegated account to some third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place by the owner to the signer.

    If the entire amount approved for transfer is transferred, then any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer is unreserved.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The account which previously approved for a transfer of at least amount and from which the asset balance will be withdrawn.

    • destination: The account to which the asset balance of amount will be transferred.

    • amount: The amount of assets to transfer.

      Emits TransferredApproved on success.

      Weight: O(1)

transferKeepAlive(id: Compact<u32>, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.transferKeepAlive

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another, keeping the sender account alive.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferOwnership(id: Compact<u32>, owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.assets.transferOwnership

  • summary: Change the Owner of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)


burn(value: Compact<u128>, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.burn

  • summary: Burn the specified liquid free balance from the origin account.

    If the origin's account ends up below the existential deposit as a result of the burn and keep_alive is false, the account will be reaped.

    Unlike sending funds to a burn address, which merely makes the funds inaccessible, this burn operation will reduce total issuance by the amount burned.

forceAdjustTotalIssuance(direction: PalletBalancesAdjustmentDirection, delta: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.forceAdjustTotalIssuance

  • summary: Adjust the total issuance in a saturating way.

    Can only be called by root and always needs a positive delta.


forceSetBalance(who: MultiAddress, new_free: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.forceSetBalance

  • summary: Set the regular balance of a given account.

    The dispatch origin for this call is root.

forceTransfer(source: MultiAddress, dest: MultiAddress, value: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.forceTransfer
  • summary: Exactly as transfer_allow_death, except the origin must be root and the source account may be specified.

forceUnreserve(who: MultiAddress, amount: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.forceUnreserve

  • summary: Unreserve some balance from a user by force.

    Can only be called by ROOT.

transferAll(dest: MultiAddress, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.transferAll

  • summary: Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.

    NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer transferable balances. This means that any locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when keep_alive is true), will not be transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account, you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage deposits, etc...

    The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.

    • dest: The recipient of the transfer.

    • keep_alive: A boolean to determine if the transfer_all operation should send all of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), or transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to keep the sender account alive (true).

transferAllowDeath(dest: MultiAddress, value: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.transferAllowDeath

  • summary: Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.

    transfer_allow_death will set the FreeBalance of the sender and receiver. If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result of the transfer, the account will be reaped.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed by the transactor.

transferKeepAlive(dest: MultiAddress, value: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.transferKeepAlive

  • summary: Same as the transfer_allow_death call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.

    99% of the time you want transfer_allow_death instead.

upgradeAccounts(who: Vec<AccountId32>)

  • interface: api.tx.balances.upgradeAccounts

  • summary: Upgrade a specified account.

    • origin: Must be Signed.

    • who: The account to be upgraded.

      This will waive the transaction fee if at least all but 10% of the accounts needed to be upgraded. (We let some not have to be upgraded just in order to allow for the possibility of churn).


addInvulnerable(who: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.addInvulnerable

  • summary: Add a new account who to the list of Invulnerables collators. who must have registered session keys. If who is a candidate, they will be removed.

    The origin for this call must be the UpdateOrigin.


  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.leaveIntent

  • summary: Deregister origin as a collator candidate. Note that the collator can only leave on session change. The CandidacyBond will be unreserved immediately.

    This call will fail if the total number of candidates would drop below MinEligibleCollators.


  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.registerAsCandidate

  • summary: Register this account as a collator candidate. The account must (a) already have registered session keys and (b) be able to reserve the CandidacyBond.

    This call is not available to Invulnerable collators.

removeInvulnerable(who: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.removeInvulnerable

  • summary: Remove an account who from the list of Invulnerables collators. Invulnerables must be sorted.

    The origin for this call must be the UpdateOrigin.

setCandidacyBond(bond: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.setCandidacyBond

  • summary: Set the candidacy bond amount.

    If the candidacy bond is increased by this call, all current candidates which have a deposit lower than the new bond will be kicked from the list and get their deposits back.

    The origin for this call must be the UpdateOrigin.

setDesiredCandidates(max: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.setDesiredCandidates

  • summary: Set the ideal number of non-invulnerable collators. If lowering this number, then the number of running collators could be higher than this figure. Aside from that edge case, there should be no other way to have more candidates than the desired number.

    The origin for this call must be the UpdateOrigin.

setInvulnerables(new: Vec<AccountId32>)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.setInvulnerables

  • summary: Set the list of invulnerable (fixed) collators. These collators must do some preparation, namely to have registered session keys.

    The call will remove any accounts that have not registered keys from the set. That is, it is non-atomic; the caller accepts all AccountIds passed in new individually as acceptable Invulnerables, and is not proposing a set of new Invulnerables.

    This call does not maintain mutual exclusivity of Invulnerables and Candidates. It is recommended to use a batch of add_invulnerable and remove_invulnerable instead. A batch_all can also be used to enforce atomicity. If any candidates are included in new, they should be removed with remove_invulnerable_candidate after execution.

    Must be called by the UpdateOrigin.

takeCandidateSlot(deposit: u128, target: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.takeCandidateSlot

  • summary: The caller origin replaces a candidate target in the collator candidate list by reserving deposit. The amount deposit reserved by the caller must be greater than the existing bond of the target it is trying to replace.

    This call will fail if the caller is already a collator candidate or invulnerable, the caller does not have registered session keys, the target is not a collator candidate, and/or the deposit amount cannot be reserved.

updateBond(new_deposit: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.collatorSelection.updateBond

  • summary: Update the candidacy bond of collator candidate origin to a new amount new_deposit.

    Setting a new_deposit that is lower than the current deposit while origin is occupying a top-DesiredCandidates slot is not allowed.

    This call will fail if origin is not a collator candidate, the updated bond is lower than the minimum candidacy bond, and/or the amount cannot be reserved.



approveTransfer(id: StagingXcmV4Location, delegate: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.approveTransfer

  • summary: Approve an amount of asset for transfer by a delegated third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed.

    Ensures that ApprovalDeposit worth of Currency is reserved from signing account for the purpose of holding the approval. If some non-zero amount of assets is already approved from signing account to delegate, then it is topped up or unreserved to meet the right value.

    NOTE: The signing account does not need to own amount of assets at the point of making this call.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer asset.

    • amount: The amount of asset that may be transferred by delegate. If there is already an approval in place, then this acts additively.

      Emits ApprovedTransfer on success.

      Weight: O(1)

block(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.block

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id to and from an account who.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the account's asset.

    • who: The account to be unblocked.

      Emits Blocked.

      Weight: O(1)

burn(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.burn

  • summary: Reduce the balance of who by as much as possible up to amount assets of id.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Manager of the asset id.

    Bails with NoAccount if the who is already dead.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount burned.

    • who: The account to be debited from.

    • amount: The maximum amount by which who's balance should be reduced.

      Emits Burned with the actual amount burned. If this takes the balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount burned is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Post-existence of who; Pre & post Zombie-status of who.

cancelApproval(id: StagingXcmV4Location, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.cancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place between signer and delegate.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

clearMetadata(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.clearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Any deposit is freed for the asset owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

create(id: StagingXcmV4Location, admin: MultiAddress, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.create

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a public origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially and its owner is the origin.

    The origin must conform to the configured CreateOrigin and have sufficient funds free.

    Funds of sender are reserved by AssetDeposit.


    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • admin: The admin of this class of assets. The admin is the initial address of each member of the asset class's admin team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits Created event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

destroyAccounts(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.destroyAccounts

  • summary: Destroy all accounts associated with a given asset.

    destroy_accounts should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all accounts. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit accounts at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedAccounts event.

destroyApprovals(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.destroyApprovals

  • summary: Destroy all approvals associated with a given asset up to the max (T::RemoveItemsLimit).

    destroy_approvals should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all approvals. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit approvals at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedApprovals event.

finishDestroy(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.finishDestroy

  • summary: Complete destroying asset and unreserve currency.

    finish_destroy should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state. All accounts or approvals should be destroyed before hand.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each successful call emits the Event::Destroyed event.

forceAssetStatus(id: StagingXcmV4Location, owner: MultiAddress, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress, min_balance: Compact<u128>, is_sufficient: bool, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceAssetStatus

  • summary: Alter the attributes of a given asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

    • is_sufficient: Whether a non-zero balance of this asset is deposit of sufficient value to account for the state bloat associated with its balance storage. If set to true, then non-zero balances may be stored without a consumer reference (and thus an ED in the Balances pallet or whatever else is used to control user-account state growth).

    • is_frozen: Whether this asset class is frozen except for permissioned/admin instructions.

      Emits AssetStatusChanged with the identity of the asset.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCancelApproval(id: StagingXcmV4Location, owner: MultiAddress, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceCancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed origin with the signer being the Admin account of the asset id.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

forceClearMetadata(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceClearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is returned.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCreate(id: StagingXcmV4Location, owner: MultiAddress, is_sufficient: bool, min_balance: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceCreate

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a privileged origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

    Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • owner: The owner of this class of assets. The owner has full superuser permissions over this asset, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceSetMetadata(id: StagingXcmV4Location, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceSetMetadata

  • summary: Force the metadata for an asset to some value.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is left alone.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(N + S) where N and S are the length of the name and symbol respectively.

forceTransfer(id: StagingXcmV4Location, source: MultiAddress, dest: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.forceTransfer

  • summary: Move some assets from one account to another.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • source: The account to be debited.

    • dest: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the source's balance of assets should be reduced and dest's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the source balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of dest; Post-existence of source; Account pre-existence of dest.

freeze(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.freeze

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id from an account who. who must already exist as an entry in Accounts of the asset. If you want to freeze an account that does not have an entry, use touch_other first.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

freezeAsset(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.freezeAsset

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers for the asset class.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

mint(id: StagingXcmV4Location, beneficiary: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface:

  • summary: Mint assets of a particular class.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount minted.

    • beneficiary: The account to be credited with the minted assets.

    • amount: The amount of the asset to be minted.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existing balance of beneficiary; Account pre-existence of beneficiary.

refund(id: StagingXcmV4Location, allow_burn: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.refund

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of an asset account or a consumer reference (if any) of an account.

    The origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for which the caller would like the deposit refunded.

    • allow_burn: If true then assets may be destroyed in order to complete the refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

refundOther(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.refundOther

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of a target asset account. Useful if you are the depositor.

    The origin must be Signed and either the account owner, depositor, or asset Admin. In order to burn a non-zero balance of the asset, the caller must be the account and should use refund.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • who: The account to refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

setMetadata(id: StagingXcmV4Location, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.setMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Funds of sender are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + MetadataDepositPerByte * (name.len + symbol.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setMinBalance(id: StagingXcmV4Location, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.setMinBalance

  • summary: Sets the minimum balance of an asset.

    Only works if there aren't any accounts that are holding the asset or if the new value of min_balance is less than the old one.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender has to be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • min_balance: The new value of min_balance.

      Emits AssetMinBalanceChanged event when successful.

setTeam(id: StagingXcmV4Location, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.setTeam

  • summary: Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

      Emits TeamChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

startDestroy(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.startDestroy

  • summary: Start the process of destroying a fungible asset class.

    start_destroy is the first in a series of extrinsics that should be called, to allow destruction of an asset class.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed by the asset's owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

thaw(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.thaw

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers to and from an account again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be unfrozen.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

thawAsset(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.thawAsset

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers for the asset again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be thawed.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

touch(id: StagingXcmV4Location)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.touch

  • summary: Create an asset account for non-provider assets.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

touchOther(id: StagingXcmV4Location, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.touchOther

  • summary: Create an asset account for who.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed by Freezer or Admin of the asset id; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

    • who: The account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

transfer(id: StagingXcmV4Location, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.transfer

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferAll(id: StagingXcmV4Location, dest: MultiAddress, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.transferAll

  • summary: Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller asset account.

    NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer transferable balances. This means that any held, frozen, or minimum balance (when keep_alive is true), will not be transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account, you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage deposits, etc...

    The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • dest: The recipient of the transfer.

    • keep_alive: A boolean to determine if the transfer_all operation should send all of the funds the asset account has, causing the sender asset account to be killed (false), or transfer everything except at least the minimum balance, which will guarantee to keep the sender asset account alive (true).

transferApproved(id: StagingXcmV4Location, owner: MultiAddress, destination: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.transferApproved

  • summary: Transfer some asset balance from a previously delegated account to some third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place by the owner to the signer.

    If the entire amount approved for transfer is transferred, then any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer is unreserved.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The account which previously approved for a transfer of at least amount and from which the asset balance will be withdrawn.

    • destination: The account to which the asset balance of amount will be transferred.

    • amount: The amount of assets to transfer.

      Emits TransferredApproved on success.

      Weight: O(1)

transferKeepAlive(id: StagingXcmV4Location, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.transferKeepAlive

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another, keeping the sender account alive.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferOwnership(id: StagingXcmV4Location, owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.foreignAssets.transferOwnership

  • summary: Change the Owner of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)


executeOverweight(message_origin: CumulusPrimitivesCoreAggregateMessageOrigin, page: u32, index: u32, weight_limit: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight)

  • interface: api.tx.messageQueue.executeOverweight

  • summary: Execute an overweight message.

    Temporary processing errors will be propagated whereas permanent errors are treated as success condition.

    • origin: Must be Signed.

    • message_origin: The origin from which the message to be executed arrived.

    • page: The page in the queue in which the message to be executed is sitting.

    • index: The index into the queue of the message to be executed.

    • weight_limit: The maximum amount of weight allowed to be consumed in the execution of the message.

      Benchmark complexity considerations: O(index + weight_limit).

reapPage(message_origin: CumulusPrimitivesCoreAggregateMessageOrigin, page_index: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.messageQueue.reapPage
  • summary: Remove a page which has no more messages remaining to be processed or is stale.


approveAsMulti(threshold: u16, other_signatories: Vec<AccountId32>, maybe_timepoint: Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, call_hash: [u8;32], max_weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight)

  • interface: api.tx.multisig.approveAsMulti

  • summary: Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if approved by a total of threshold - 1 of other_signatories.

    Payment: DepositBase will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus threshold times DepositFactor. It is returned once this dispatch happens or is cancelled.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • threshold: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.

    • other_signatories: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this dispatch. May not be empty.

    • maybe_timepoint: If this is the first approval, then this must be None. If it is not the first approval, then it must be Some, with the timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval transaction.

    • call_hash: The hash of the call to be executed.

      NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use as_multi instead.


    • O(S).

    • Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.

    • One passthrough operation, one insert, both O(S) where S is the number of signatories. S is capped by MaxSignatories, with weight being proportional.

    • One encode & hash, both of complexity O(S).

    • Up to one binary search and insert (O(logS + S)).

    • I/O: 1 read O(S), up to 1 mutate O(S). Up to one remove.

    • One event.

    • Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by MaxSignatories, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor.

asMulti(threshold: u16, other_signatories: Vec<AccountId32>, maybe_timepoint: Option<PalletMultisigTimepoint>, call: Call, max_weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight)

  • interface: api.tx.multisig.asMulti

  • summary: Register approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account if approved by a total of threshold - 1 of other_signatories.

    If there are enough, then dispatch the call.

    Payment: DepositBase will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus threshold times DepositFactor. It is returned once this dispatch happens or is cancelled.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • threshold: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.

    • other_signatories: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this dispatch. May not be empty.

    • maybe_timepoint: If this is the first approval, then this must be None. If it is not the first approval, then it must be Some, with the timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval transaction.

    • call: The call to be executed.

      NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use approve_as_multi instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.

      Result is equivalent to the dispatched result if threshold is exactly 1. Otherwise on success, result is Ok and the result from the interior call, if it was executed, may be found in the deposited MultisigExecuted event.


    • O(S + Z + Call).

    • Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.

    • One passthrough operation, one insert, both O(S) where S is the number of signatories. S is capped by MaxSignatories, with weight being proportional.

    • One call encode & hash, both of complexity O(Z) where Z is tx-len.

    • One encode & hash, both of complexity O(S).

    • Up to one binary search and insert (O(logS + S)).

    • I/O: 1 read O(S), up to 1 mutate O(S). Up to one remove.

    • One event.

    • The weight of the call.

    • Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by MaxSignatories, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor.

asMultiThreshold1(other_signatories: Vec<AccountId32>, call: Call)

  • interface: api.tx.multisig.asMultiThreshold1

  • summary: Immediately dispatch a multi-signature call using a single approval from the caller.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • other_signatories: The accounts (other than the sender) who are part of the multi-signature, but do not participate in the approval process.

    • call: The call to be executed.

      Result is equivalent to the dispatched result.

      Complexity O(Z + C) where Z is the length of the call and C its execution weight.

cancelAsMulti(threshold: u16, other_signatories: Vec<AccountId32>, timepoint: PalletMultisigTimepoint, call_hash: [u8;32])

  • interface: api.tx.multisig.cancelAsMulti

  • summary: Cancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previously for this operation will be unreserved on success.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • threshold: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.

    • other_signatories: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve this dispatch. May not be empty.

    • timepoint: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approval transaction for this dispatch.

    • call_hash: The hash of the call to be executed.


    • O(S).

    • Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.

    • One passthrough operation, one insert, both O(S) where S is the number of signatories. S is capped by MaxSignatories, with weight being proportional.

    • One encode & hash, both of complexity O(S).

    • One event.

    • I/O: 1 read O(S), one remove.

    • Storage: removes one item.


approveItemAttributes(collection: u32, item: u32, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.approveItemAttributes

  • summary: Approve item's attributes to be changed by a delegated third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

    • collection: A collection of the item.

    • item: The item that holds attributes.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to change attributes of the item.

      Emits ItemAttributesApprovalAdded on success.

approveTransfer(collection: u32, item: u32, delegate: MultiAddress, maybe_deadline: Option<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.approveTransfer

  • summary: Approve an item to be transferred by a delegated third-party account.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be approved for delegated transfer.

    • item: The item to be approved for delegated transfer.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer the item.

    • maybe_deadline: Optional deadline for the approval. Specified by providing the number of blocks after which the approval will expire

      Emits TransferApproved on success.

      Weight: O(1)

burn(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.burn

  • summary: Destroy a single item.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the signing account must be the owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be burned.

    • item: The item to be burned.

      Emits Burned.

      Weight: O(1)

buyItem(collection: u32, item: u32, bid_price: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.buyItem

  • summary: Allows to buy an item if it's up for sale.

    Origin must be Signed and must not be the owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item the sender wants to buy.

    • bid_price: The price the sender is willing to pay.

      Emits ItemBought on success.

cancelApproval(collection: u32, item: u32, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.cancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel one of the transfer approvals for a specific item.

    Origin must be either:

    • the Force origin;

    • Signed with the signer being the Owner of the item;


    • collection: The collection of the item of whose approval will be cancelled.

    • item: The item of the collection of whose approval will be cancelled.

    • delegate: The account that is going to loose their approval.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

cancelItemAttributesApproval(collection: u32, item: u32, delegate: MultiAddress, witness: PalletNftsCancelAttributesApprovalWitness)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.cancelItemAttributesApproval

  • summary: Cancel the previously provided approval to change item's attributes. All the previously set attributes by the delegate will be removed.

    Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

    • collection: Collection that the item is contained within.

    • item: The item that holds attributes.

    • delegate: The previously approved account to remove.

      Emits ItemAttributesApprovalRemoved on success.

cancelSwap(offered_collection: u32, offered_item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.cancelSwap

  • summary: Cancel an atomic swap.

    Origin must be Signed. Origin must be an owner of the item if the deadline hasn't expired.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item an owner wants to give.

      Emits SwapCancelled on success.

claimSwap(send_collection: u32, send_item: u32, receive_collection: u32, receive_item: u32, witness_price: Option<PalletNftsPriceWithDirection>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.claimSwap

  • summary: Claim an atomic swap. This method executes a pending swap, that was created by a counterpart before.

    Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

    • send_collection: The collection of the item to be sent.

    • send_item: The item to be sent.

    • receive_collection: The collection of the item to be received.

    • receive_item: The item to be received.

    • witness_price: A price that was previously agreed on.

      Emits SwapClaimed on success.

clearAllTransferApprovals(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.clearAllTransferApprovals

  • summary: Cancel all the approvals of a specific item.

    Origin must be either:

    • the Force origin;

    • Signed with the signer being the Owner of the item;


    • collection: The collection of the item of whose approvals will be cleared.

    • item: The item of the collection of whose approvals will be cleared.

      Emits AllApprovalsCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

clearAttribute(collection: u32, maybe_item: Option<u32>, namespace: PalletNftsAttributeNamespace, key: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.clearAttribute

  • summary: Clear an attribute for a collection or item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the attribute.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to clear.

    • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.

    • namespace: Attribute's namespace.

    • key: The key of the attribute.

      Emits AttributeCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

clearCollectionMetadata(collection: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.clearCollectionMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for a collection.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose metadata to clear.

      Emits CollectionMetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

clearMetadata(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.clearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to clear.

    • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.

      Emits ItemMetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

create(admin: MultiAddress, config: PalletNftsCollectionConfig)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.create

  • summary: Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a public origin.

    This new collection has no items initially and its owner is the origin.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must have sufficient funds free.

    CollectionDeposit funds of sender are reserved.


    • admin: The admin of this collection. The admin is the initial address of each member of the collection's admin team.

      Emits Created event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

createSwap(offered_collection: u32, offered_item: u32, desired_collection: u32, maybe_desired_item: Option<u32>, maybe_price: Option<PalletNftsPriceWithDirection>, duration: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.createSwap

  • summary: Register a new atomic swap, declaring an intention to send an item in exchange for desired_item from origin to target on the current blockchain. The target can execute the swap during the specified duration of blocks (if set). Additionally, the price could be set for the desired item.

    Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item an owner wants to give.

    • desired_collection: The collection of the desired item.

    • desired_item: The desired item an owner wants to receive.

    • maybe_price: The price an owner is willing to pay or receive for the desired item.

    • duration: A deadline for the swap. Specified by providing the number of blocks after which the swap will expire.

      Emits SwapCreated on success.

destroy(collection: u32, witness: PalletNftsDestroyWitness)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.destroy

  • summary: Destroy a collection of fungible items.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be the owner of the collection.

    NOTE: The collection must have 0 items to be destroyed.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection to be destroyed.

    • witness: Information on the items minted in the collection. This must be correct.

      Emits Destroyed event when successful.

      Weight: O(m + c + a) where:

    • m = witness.item_metadatas

    • c = witness.item_configs

    • a = witness.attributes

forceCollectionConfig(collection: u32, config: PalletNftsCollectionConfig)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.forceCollectionConfig

  • summary: Change the config of a collection.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection.

    • config: The new config of this collection.

      Emits CollectionConfigChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCollectionOwner(collection: u32, owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.forceCollectionOwner

  • summary: Change the Owner of a collection.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection.

    • owner: The new Owner of this collection.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCreate(owner: MultiAddress, config: PalletNftsCollectionConfig)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.forceCreate

  • summary: Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a privileged origin.

    This new collection has no items initially.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

    Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

    • owner: The owner of this collection of items. The owner has full superuser permissions over this item, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

      Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceMint(collection: u32, item: u32, mint_to: MultiAddress, item_config: PalletNftsItemConfig)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.forceMint

  • summary: Mint an item of a particular collection from a privileged origin.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be minted.

    • item: An identifier of the new item.

    • mint_to: Account into which the item will be minted.

    • item_config: A config of the new item.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceSetAttribute(set_as: Option<AccountId32>, collection: u32, maybe_item: Option<u32>, namespace: PalletNftsAttributeNamespace, key: Bytes, value: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.forceSetAttribute

  • summary: Force-set an attribute for a collection or item.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    If the attribute already exists and it was set by another account, the deposit will be returned to the previous owner.

    • set_as: An optional owner of the attribute.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to set.

    • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.

    • namespace: Attribute's namespace.

    • key: The key of the attribute.

    • value: The value to which to set the attribute.

      Emits AttributeSet.

      Weight: O(1)

lockCollection(collection: u32, lock_settings: u64)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.lockCollection

  • summary: Disallows specified settings for the whole collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection to be locked.

    • lock_settings: The settings to be locked.

      Note: it's possible to only lock(set) the setting, but not to unset it.

      Emits CollectionLocked.

      Weight: O(1)

lockItemProperties(collection: u32, item: u32, lock_metadata: bool, lock_attributes: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.lockItemProperties

  • summary: Disallows changing the metadata or attributes of the item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    • collection: The collection if the item.

    • item: An item to be locked.

    • lock_metadata: Specifies whether the metadata should be locked.

    • lock_attributes: Specifies whether the attributes in the CollectionOwner namespace should be locked.

      Note: lock_attributes affects the attributes in the CollectionOwner namespace only. When the metadata or attributes are locked, it won't be possible the unlock them.

      Emits ItemPropertiesLocked.

      Weight: O(1)

lockItemTransfer(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.lockItemTransfer

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfer of an item.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be changed.

    • item: The item to become non-transferable.

      Emits ItemTransferLocked.

      Weight: O(1)

mint(collection: u32, item: u32, mint_to: MultiAddress, witness_data: Option<PalletNftsMintWitness>)

  • interface:

  • summary: Mint an item of a particular collection.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must comply with the mint_settings rules.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be minted.

    • item: An identifier of the new item.

    • mint_to: Account into which the item will be minted.

    • witness_data: When the mint type is HolderOf(collection_id), then the owned item_id from that collection needs to be provided within the witness data object. If the mint price is set, then it should be additionally confirmed in the witness_data.

      Note: the deposit will be taken from the origin and not the owner of the item.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

mintPreSigned(mint_data: PalletNftsPreSignedMint, signature: SpRuntimeMultiSignature, signer: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.mintPreSigned

  • summary: Mint an item by providing the pre-signed approval.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • mint_data: The pre-signed approval that consists of the information about the item, its metadata, attributes, who can mint it (None for anyone) and until what block number.

    • signature: The signature of the data object.

    • signer: The data object's signer. Should be an Issuer of the collection.

      Emits Issued on success. Emits AttributeSet if the attributes were provided. Emits ItemMetadataSet if the metadata was not empty.

payTips(tips: Vec<PalletNftsItemTip>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.payTips

  • summary: Allows to pay the tips.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • tips: Tips array.

      Emits TipSent on every tip transfer.

redeposit(collection: u32, items: Vec<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.redeposit

  • summary: Re-evaluate the deposits on some items.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the items to be reevaluated.

    • items: The items of the collection whose deposits will be reevaluated.

      NOTE: This exists as a best-effort function. Any items which are unknown or in the case that the owner account does not have reservable funds to pay for a deposit increase are ignored. Generally the owner isn't going to call this on items whose existing deposit is less than the refreshed deposit as it would only cost them, so it's of little consequence.

      It will still return an error in the case that the collection is unknown or the signer is not permitted to call it.

      Weight: O(items.len())

setAcceptOwnership(maybe_collection: Option<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setAcceptOwnership

  • summary: Set (or reset) the acceptance of ownership for a particular account.

    Origin must be Signed and if maybe_collection is Some, then the signer must have a provider reference.

    • maybe_collection: The identifier of the collection whose ownership the signer is willing to accept, or if None, an indication that the signer is willing to accept no ownership transferal.

      Emits OwnershipAcceptanceChanged.

setAttribute(collection: u32, maybe_item: Option<u32>, namespace: PalletNftsAttributeNamespace, key: Bytes, value: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setAttribute

  • summary: Set an attribute for a collection or item.

    Origin must be Signed and must conform to the namespace ruleset:

    • CollectionOwner namespace could be modified by the collection Admin only;

    • ItemOwner namespace could be modified by the maybe_item owner only. maybe_item should be set in that case;

    • Account(AccountId) namespace could be modified only when the origin was given a permission to do so;

      The funds of origin are reserved according to the formula: AttributeDepositBase + DepositPerByte * (key.len + value.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to set.

    • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.

    • namespace: Attribute's namespace.

    • key: The key of the attribute.

    • value: The value to which to set the attribute.

      Emits AttributeSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setAttributesPreSigned(data: PalletNftsPreSignedAttributes, signature: SpRuntimeMultiSignature, signer: AccountId32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setAttributesPreSigned

  • summary: Set attributes for an item by providing the pre-signed approval.

    Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the data.item.

    • data: The pre-signed approval that consists of the information about the item, attributes to update and until what block number.

    • signature: The signature of the data object.

    • signer: The data object's signer. Should be an Admin of the collection for the CollectionOwner namespace.

      Emits AttributeSet for each provided attribute. Emits ItemAttributesApprovalAdded if the approval wasn't set before. Emits PreSignedAttributesSet on success.

setCollectionMaxSupply(collection: u32, max_supply: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setCollectionMaxSupply

  • summary: Set the maximum number of items a collection could have.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection to change.

    • max_supply: The maximum number of items a collection could have.

      Emits CollectionMaxSupplySet event when successful.

setCollectionMetadata(collection: u32, data: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setCollectionMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for a collection.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the item whose metadata to update.

    • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

      Emits CollectionMetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setMetadata(collection: u32, item: u32, data: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for an item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to set.

    • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.

    • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

      Emits ItemMetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setPrice(collection: u32, item: u32, price: Option<u128>, whitelisted_buyer: Option<MultiAddress>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setPrice

  • summary: Set (or reset) the price for an item.

    Origin must be Signed and must be the owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item to set the price for.

    • price: The price for the item. Pass None, to reset the price.

    • buyer: Restricts the buy operation to a specific account.

      Emits ItemPriceSet on success if the price is not None. Emits ItemPriceRemoved on success if the price is None.

setTeam(collection: u32, issuer: Option<MultiAddress>, admin: Option<MultiAddress>, freezer: Option<MultiAddress>)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.setTeam

  • summary: Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of a collection.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    Note: by setting the role to None only the ForceOrigin will be able to change it after to Some(account).

    • collection: The collection whose team should be changed.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this collection.

    • admin: The new Admin of this collection.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this collection.

      Emits TeamChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

transfer(collection: u32, item: u32, dest: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.transfer

  • summary: Move an item from the sender account to another.

    Origin must be Signed and the signing account must be either:

    • the Owner of the item;

    • the approved delegate for the item (in this case, the approval is reset).


    • collection: The collection of the item to be transferred.

    • item: The item to be transferred.

    • dest: The account to receive ownership of the item.

      Emits Transferred.

      Weight: O(1)

transferOwnership(collection: u32, new_owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.transferOwnership

  • summary: Change the Owner of a collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection whose owner should be changed.

    • owner: The new Owner of this collection. They must have called set_accept_ownership with collection in order for this operation to succeed.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

unlockItemTransfer(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.unlockItemTransfer

  • summary: Re-allow unprivileged transfer of an item.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be changed.

    • item: The item to become transferable.

      Emits ItemTransferUnlocked.

      Weight: O(1)

updateMintSettings(collection: u32, mint_settings: PalletNftsMintSettings)

  • interface: api.tx.nfts.updateMintSettings

  • summary: Update mint settings.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Issuer of the collection.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection to change.

    • mint_settings: The new mint settings.

      Emits CollectionMintSettingsUpdated event when successful.



setValidationData(data: CumulusPrimitivesParachainInherentParachainInherentData)

  • interface: api.tx.parachainSystem.setValidationData

  • summary: Set the current validation data.

    This should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization phase if the call was not invoked.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Inherent

    As a side effect, this function upgrades the current validation function if the appropriate time has come.

sudoSendUpwardMessage(message: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.parachainSystem.sudoSendUpwardMessage


claimAssets(assets: XcmVersionedAssets, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.claimAssets

  • summary: Claims assets trapped on this pallet because of leftover assets during XCM execution.

    • origin: Anyone can call this extrinsic.

    • assets: The exact assets that were trapped. Use the version to specify what version was the latest when they were trapped.

    • beneficiary: The location/account where the claimed assets will be deposited.

execute(message: XcmVersionedXcm, max_weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.execute

  • summary: Execute an XCM message from a local, signed, origin.

    An event is deposited indicating whether msg could be executed completely or only partially.

    No more than max_weight will be used in its attempted execution. If this is less than the maximum amount of weight that the message could take to be executed, then no execution attempt will be made.

forceDefaultXcmVersion(maybe_xcm_version: Option<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.forceDefaultXcmVersion

  • summary: Set a safe XCM version (the version that XCM should be encoded with if the most recent version a destination can accept is unknown).

    • origin: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.

    • maybe_xcm_version: The default XCM encoding version, or None to disable.

forceSubscribeVersionNotify(location: XcmVersionedLocation)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.forceSubscribeVersionNotify

  • summary: Ask a location to notify us regarding their XCM version and any changes to it.

    • origin: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.

    • location: The location to which we should subscribe for XCM version notifications.

forceSuspension(suspended: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.forceSuspension

  • summary: Set or unset the global suspension state of the XCM executor.

    • origin: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.

    • suspended: true to suspend, false to resume.

forceUnsubscribeVersionNotify(location: XcmVersionedLocation)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.forceUnsubscribeVersionNotify

  • summary: Require that a particular destination should no longer notify us regarding any XCM version changes.

    • origin: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.

    • location: The location to which we are currently subscribed for XCM version notifications which we no longer desire.

forceXcmVersion(location: StagingXcmV4Location, version: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.forceXcmVersion

  • summary: Extoll that a particular destination can be communicated with through a particular version of XCM.

    • origin: Must be an origin specified by AdminOrigin.

    • location: The destination that is being described.

    • xcm_version: The latest version of XCM that location supports.

limitedReserveTransferAssets(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, fee_asset_item: u32, weight_limit: XcmV3WeightLimit)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.limitedReserveTransferAssets

  • summary: Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local, destination or remote reserve.

    assets must have same reserve location and may not be teleportable to dest.

    • assets have local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and forward a notification XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

    • assets have destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to dest chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them to beneficiary.

    • assets have remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to dest chain's SA, and forward another XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

      Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the assets vector of index fee_asset_item, up to enough to pay for weight_limit of weight. If more weight is needed than weight_limit, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be at risk.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be [Parent, Parachain(..)] to send from parachain to parachain, or [Parachain(..)] to send from relay to parachain.

    • beneficiary: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of dest. Will generally be an AccountId32 value.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest (and possibly reserve) chains.

    • fee_asset_item: The index into assets of the item which should be used to pay fees.

    • weight_limit: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.

limitedTeleportAssets(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, fee_asset_item: u32, weight_limit: XcmV3WeightLimit)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.limitedTeleportAssets

  • summary: Teleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.

    Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the assets vector of index fee_asset_item, up to enough to pay for weight_limit of weight. If more weight is needed than weight_limit, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be at risk.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be [Parent, Parachain(..)] to send from parachain to parachain, or [Parachain(..)] to send from relay to parachain.

    • beneficiary: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of dest. Will generally be an AccountId32 value.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest chain.

    • fee_asset_item: The index into assets of the item which should be used to pay fees.

    • weight_limit: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.

reserveTransferAssets(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, fee_asset_item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.reserveTransferAssets

  • summary: Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local, destination or remote reserve.

    assets must have same reserve location and may not be teleportable to dest.

    • assets have local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and forward a notification XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

    • assets have destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to dest chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them to beneficiary.

    • assets have remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to dest chain's SA, and forward another XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

      This function is deprecated: Use limited_reserve_transfer_assets instead.

      Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the assets vector of index fee_asset_item. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited, with all fees taken as needed from the asset.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be [Parent, Parachain(..)] to send from parachain to parachain, or [Parachain(..)] to send from relay to parachain.

    • beneficiary: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of dest. Will generally be an AccountId32 value.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest (and possibly reserve) chains.

    • fee_asset_item: The index into assets of the item which should be used to pay fees.

send(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, message: XcmVersionedXcm)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.send

teleportAssets(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, fee_asset_item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.teleportAssets

  • summary: Teleport some assets from the local chain to some destination chain.

    This function is deprecated: Use limited_teleport_assets instead.

    Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the assets vector of index fee_asset_item. The weight limit for fees is not provided and thus is unlimited, with all fees taken as needed from the asset.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be [Parent, Parachain(..)] to send from parachain to parachain, or [Parachain(..)] to send from relay to parachain.

    • beneficiary: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of dest. Will generally be an AccountId32 value.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest chain.

    • fee_asset_item: The index into assets of the item which should be used to pay fees.

transferAssets(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, beneficiary: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, fee_asset_item: u32, weight_limit: XcmV3WeightLimit)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.transferAssets

  • summary: Transfer some assets from the local chain to the destination chain through their local, destination or remote reserve, or through teleports.

    Fee payment on the destination side is made from the asset in the assets vector of index fee_asset_item (hence referred to as fees), up to enough to pay for weight_limit of weight. If more weight is needed than weight_limit, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be at risk.

    assets (excluding fees) must have same reserve location or otherwise be teleportable to dest, no limitations imposed on fees.

    • for local reserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and forward a notification XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

    • for destination reserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to dest chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them to beneficiary.

    • for remote reserve: burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to dest chain's SA, and forward another XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

    • for teleports: burn local assets and forward XCM to dest chain to mint/teleport assets and deposit them to beneficiary.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be X2(Parent, Parachain(..)) to send from parachain to parachain, or X1(Parachain(..)) to send from relay to parachain.

    • beneficiary: A beneficiary location for the assets in the context of dest. Will generally be an AccountId32 value.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest (and possibly reserve) chains.

    • fee_asset_item: The index into assets of the item which should be used to pay fees.

    • weight_limit: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.

transferAssetsUsingTypeAndThen(dest: XcmVersionedLocation, assets: XcmVersionedAssets, assets_transfer_type: StagingXcmExecutorAssetTransferTransferType, remote_fees_id: XcmVersionedAssetId, fees_transfer_type: StagingXcmExecutorAssetTransferTransferType, custom_xcm_on_dest: XcmVersionedXcm, weight_limit: XcmV3WeightLimit)

  • interface: api.tx.polkadotXcm.transferAssetsUsingTypeAndThen

  • summary: Transfer assets from the local chain to the destination chain using explicit transfer types for assets and fees.

    assets must have same reserve location or may be teleportable to dest. Caller must provide the assets_transfer_type to be used for assets:

    • TransferType::LocalReserve: transfer assets to sovereign account of destination chain and forward a notification XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary.

    • TransferType::DestinationReserve: burn local assets and forward a notification to dest chain to withdraw the reserve assets from this chain's sovereign account and deposit them to beneficiary.

    • TransferType::RemoteReserve(reserve): burn local assets, forward XCM to reserve chain to move reserves from this chain's SA to dest chain's SA, and forward another XCM to dest to mint and deposit reserve-based assets to beneficiary. Typically the remote reserve is Asset Hub.

    • TransferType::Teleport: burn local assets and forward XCM to dest chain to mint/teleport assets and deposit them to beneficiary.

      On the destination chain, as well as any intermediary hops, BuyExecution is used to buy execution using transferred assets identified by remote_fees_id. Make sure enough of the specified remote_fees_id asset is included in the given list of assets. remote_fees_id should be enough to pay for weight_limit. If more weight is needed than weight_limit, then the operation will fail and the sent assets may be at risk.

      remote_fees_id may use different transfer type than rest of assets and can be specified through fees_transfer_type.

      The caller needs to specify what should happen to the transferred assets once they reach the dest chain. This is done through the custom_xcm_on_dest parameter, which contains the instructions to execute on dest as a final step. This is usually as simple as: Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }]), but could be something more exotic like sending the assets even further.

    • origin: Must be capable of withdrawing the assets and executing XCM.

    • dest: Destination context for the assets. Will typically be [Parent, Parachain(..)] to send from parachain to parachain, or [Parachain(..)] to send from relay to parachain, or (parents: 2, (GlobalConsensus(..), ..)) to send from parachain across a bridge to another ecosystem destination.

    • assets: The assets to be withdrawn. This should include the assets used to pay the fee on the dest (and possibly reserve) chains.

    • assets_transfer_type: The XCM TransferType used to transfer the assets.

    • remote_fees_id: One of the included assets to be used to pay fees.

    • fees_transfer_type: The XCM TransferType used to transfer the fees assets.

    • custom_xcm_on_dest: The XCM to be executed on dest chain as the last step of the transfer, which also determines what happens to the assets on the destination chain.

    • weight_limit: The remote-side weight limit, if any, for the XCM fee purchase.


approveTransfer(id: u32, delegate: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.approveTransfer

  • summary: Approve an amount of asset for transfer by a delegated third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed.

    Ensures that ApprovalDeposit worth of Currency is reserved from signing account for the purpose of holding the approval. If some non-zero amount of assets is already approved from signing account to delegate, then it is topped up or unreserved to meet the right value.

    NOTE: The signing account does not need to own amount of assets at the point of making this call.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer asset.

    • amount: The amount of asset that may be transferred by delegate. If there is already an approval in place, then this acts additively.

      Emits ApprovedTransfer on success.

      Weight: O(1)

block(id: u32, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.block

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id to and from an account who.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the account's asset.

    • who: The account to be unblocked.

      Emits Blocked.

      Weight: O(1)

burn(id: u32, who: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.burn

  • summary: Reduce the balance of who by as much as possible up to amount assets of id.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Manager of the asset id.

    Bails with NoAccount if the who is already dead.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount burned.

    • who: The account to be debited from.

    • amount: The maximum amount by which who's balance should be reduced.

      Emits Burned with the actual amount burned. If this takes the balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount burned is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Post-existence of who; Pre & post Zombie-status of who.

cancelApproval(id: u32, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.cancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place between signer and delegate.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

clearMetadata(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.clearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Any deposit is freed for the asset owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

create(id: u32, admin: MultiAddress, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.create

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a public origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially and its owner is the origin.

    The origin must conform to the configured CreateOrigin and have sufficient funds free.

    Funds of sender are reserved by AssetDeposit.


    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • admin: The admin of this class of assets. The admin is the initial address of each member of the asset class's admin team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits Created event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

destroyAccounts(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.destroyAccounts

  • summary: Destroy all accounts associated with a given asset.

    destroy_accounts should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all accounts. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit accounts at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedAccounts event.

destroyApprovals(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.destroyApprovals

  • summary: Destroy all approvals associated with a given asset up to the max (T::RemoveItemsLimit).

    destroy_approvals should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state.

    Due to weight restrictions, this function may need to be called multiple times to fully destroy all approvals. It will destroy RemoveItemsLimit approvals at a time.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each call emits the Event::DestroyedApprovals event.

finishDestroy(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.finishDestroy

  • summary: Complete destroying asset and unreserve currency.

    finish_destroy should only be called after start_destroy has been called, and the asset is in a Destroying state. All accounts or approvals should be destroyed before hand.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

      Each successful call emits the Event::Destroyed event.

forceAssetStatus(id: u32, owner: MultiAddress, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress, min_balance: Compact<u128>, is_sufficient: bool, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceAssetStatus

  • summary: Alter the attributes of a given asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

    • is_sufficient: Whether a non-zero balance of this asset is deposit of sufficient value to account for the state bloat associated with its balance storage. If set to true, then non-zero balances may be stored without a consumer reference (and thus an ED in the Balances pallet or whatever else is used to control user-account state growth).

    • is_frozen: Whether this asset class is frozen except for permissioned/admin instructions.

      Emits AssetStatusChanged with the identity of the asset.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCancelApproval(id: u32, owner: MultiAddress, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceCancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed origin with the signer being the Admin account of the asset id.

    Unreserves any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer for the approval.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • delegate: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

forceClearMetadata(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceClearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is returned.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

forceCreate(id: u32, owner: MultiAddress, is_sufficient: bool, min_balance: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceCreate

  • summary: Issue a new class of fungible assets from a privileged origin.

    This new asset class has no assets initially.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

    Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

    • id: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identify an existing asset. If [NextAssetId] is set, then this must be equal to it.

    • owner: The owner of this class of assets. The owner has full superuser permissions over this asset, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

    • min_balance: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.

      Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceSetMetadata(id: u32, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceSetMetadata

  • summary: Force the metadata for an asset to some value.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    Any deposit is left alone.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(N + S) where N and S are the length of the name and symbol respectively.

forceTransfer(id: u32, source: MultiAddress, dest: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.forceTransfer

  • summary: Move some assets from one account to another.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • source: The account to be debited.

    • dest: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the source's balance of assets should be reduced and dest's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the source balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of dest; Post-existence of source; Account pre-existence of dest.

freeze(id: u32, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.freeze

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers of an asset id from an account who. who must already exist as an entry in Accounts of the asset. If you want to freeze an account that does not have an entry, use touch_other first.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

freezeAsset(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.freezeAsset

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers for the asset class.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

mint(id: u32, beneficiary: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface:

  • summary: Mint assets of a particular class.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount minted.

    • beneficiary: The account to be credited with the minted assets.

    • amount: The amount of the asset to be minted.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existing balance of beneficiary; Account pre-existence of beneficiary.

refund(id: u32, allow_burn: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.refund

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of an asset account or a consumer reference (if any) of an account.

    The origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for which the caller would like the deposit refunded.

    • allow_burn: If true then assets may be destroyed in order to complete the refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

refundOther(id: u32, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.refundOther

  • summary: Return the deposit (if any) of a target asset account. Useful if you are the depositor.

    The origin must be Signed and either the account owner, depositor, or asset Admin. In order to burn a non-zero balance of the asset, the caller must be the account and should use refund.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • who: The account to refund.

      Emits Refunded event when successful.

setMetadata(id: u32, name: Bytes, symbol: Bytes, decimals: u8)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.setMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    Funds of sender are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + MetadataDepositPerByte * (name.len + symbol.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to update.

    • name: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • symbol: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • decimals: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setMinBalance(id: u32, min_balance: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.setMinBalance

  • summary: Sets the minimum balance of an asset.

    Only works if there aren't any accounts that are holding the asset or if the new value of min_balance is less than the old one.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender has to be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • min_balance: The new value of min_balance.

      Emits AssetMinBalanceChanged event when successful.

setTeam(id: u32, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.setTeam

  • summary: Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this asset.

    • admin: The new Admin of this asset.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this asset.

      Emits TeamChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

startDestroy(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.startDestroy

  • summary: Start the process of destroying a fungible asset class.

    start_destroy is the first in a series of extrinsics that should be called, to allow destruction of an asset class.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed by the asset's owner.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existing asset.

thaw(id: u32, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.thaw

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers to and from an account again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.

    • who: The account to be unfrozen.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

thawAsset(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.thawAsset

  • summary: Allow unprivileged transfers for the asset again.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to be thawed.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

touch(id: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.touch

  • summary: Create an asset account for non-provider assets.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

touchOther(id: u32, who: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.touchOther

  • summary: Create an asset account for who.

    A deposit will be taken from the signer account.

    • origin: Must be Signed by Freezer or Admin of the asset id; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit to be taken.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.

    • who: The account to be created.

      Emits Touched event when successful.

transfer(id: u32, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.transfer

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferAll(id: u32, dest: MultiAddress, keep_alive: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.transferAll

  • summary: Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller asset account.

    NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer transferable balances. This means that any held, frozen, or minimum balance (when keep_alive is true), will not be transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account, you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage deposits, etc...

    The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset for the account holding a deposit.

    • dest: The recipient of the transfer.

    • keep_alive: A boolean to determine if the transfer_all operation should send all of the funds the asset account has, causing the sender asset account to be killed (false), or transfer everything except at least the minimum balance, which will guarantee to keep the sender asset account alive (true).

transferApproved(id: u32, owner: MultiAddress, destination: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.transferApproved

  • summary: Transfer some asset balance from a previously delegated account to some third-party account.

    Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place by the owner to the signer.

    If the entire amount approved for transfer is transferred, then any deposit previously reserved by approve_transfer is unreserved.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The account which previously approved for a transfer of at least amount and from which the asset balance will be withdrawn.

    • destination: The account to which the asset balance of amount will be transferred.

    • amount: The amount of assets to transfer.

      Emits TransferredApproved on success.

      Weight: O(1)

transferKeepAlive(id: u32, target: MultiAddress, amount: Compact<u128>)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.transferKeepAlive

  • summary: Move some assets from the sender account to another, keeping the sender account alive.

    Origin must be Signed.

    • id: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.

    • target: The account to be credited.

    • amount: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced and target's balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but below the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.

      Emits Transferred with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: Pre-existence of target; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of target.

transferOwnership(id: u32, owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.poolAssets.transferOwnership

  • summary: Change the Owner of an asset.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset id.

    • id: The identifier of the asset.

    • owner: The new Owner of this asset.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)


addProxy(delegate: MultiAddress, proxy_type: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType, delay: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.addProxy

  • summary: Register a proxy account for the sender that is able to make calls on its behalf.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • proxy: The account that the caller would like to make a proxy.

    • proxy_type: The permissions allowed for this proxy account.

    • delay: The announcement period required of the initial proxy. Will generally be zero.

announce(real: MultiAddress, call_hash: H256)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.announce

  • summary: Publish the hash of a proxy-call that will be made in the future.

    This must be called some number of blocks before the corresponding proxy is attempted if the delay associated with the proxy relationship is greater than zero.

    No more than MaxPending announcements may be made at any one time.

    This will take a deposit of AnnouncementDepositFactor as well as AnnouncementDepositBase if there are no other pending announcements.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed and a proxy of real.


    • real: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.

    • call_hash: The hash of the call to be made by the real account.

createPure(proxy_type: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType, delay: u32, index: u16)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.createPure

  • summary: Spawn a fresh new account that is guaranteed to be otherwise inaccessible, and initialize it with a proxy of proxy_type for origin sender.

    Requires a Signed origin.

    • proxy_type: The type of the proxy that the sender will be registered as over the new account. This will almost always be the most permissive ProxyType possible to allow for maximum flexibility.

    • index: A disambiguation index, in case this is called multiple times in the same transaction (e.g. with utility::batch). Unless you're using batch you probably just want to use 0.

    • delay: The announcement period required of the initial proxy. Will generally be zero.

      Fails with Duplicate if this has already been called in this transaction, from the same sender, with the same parameters.

      Fails if there are insufficient funds to pay for deposit.

killPure(spawner: MultiAddress, proxy_type: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType, index: u16, height: Compact<u32>, ext_index: Compact<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.killPure

  • summary: Removes a previously spawned pure proxy.

    WARNING: All access to this account will be lost. Any funds held in it will be inaccessible.

    Requires a Signed origin, and the sender account must have been created by a call to pure with corresponding parameters.

    • spawner: The account that originally called pure to create this account.

    • index: The disambiguation index originally passed to pure. Probably 0.

    • proxy_type: The proxy type originally passed to pure.

    • height: The height of the chain when the call to pure was processed.

    • ext_index: The extrinsic index in which the call to pure was processed.

      Fails with NoPermission in case the caller is not a previously created pure account whose pure call has corresponding parameters.

proxy(real: MultiAddress, force_proxy_type: Option<AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, call: Call)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.proxy

  • summary: Dispatch the given call from an account that the sender is authorised for through add_proxy.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • real: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.

    • force_proxy_type: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.

    • call: The call to be made by the real account.

proxyAnnounced(delegate: MultiAddress, real: MultiAddress, force_proxy_type: Option<AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType>, call: Call)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.proxyAnnounced

  • summary: Dispatch the given call from an account that the sender is authorized for through add_proxy.

    Removes any corresponding announcement(s).

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • real: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.

    • force_proxy_type: Specify the exact proxy type to be used and checked for this call.

    • call: The call to be made by the real account.

rejectAnnouncement(delegate: MultiAddress, call_hash: H256)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.rejectAnnouncement

  • summary: Remove the given announcement of a delegate.

    May be called by a target (proxied) account to remove a call that one of their delegates (delegate) has announced they want to execute. The deposit is returned.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • delegate: The account that previously announced the call.

    • call_hash: The hash of the call to be made.

removeAnnouncement(real: MultiAddress, call_hash: H256)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.removeAnnouncement

  • summary: Remove a given announcement.

    May be called by a proxy account to remove a call they previously announced and return the deposit.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • real: The account that the proxy will make a call on behalf of.

    • call_hash: The hash of the call to be made by the real account.


  • interface: api.tx.proxy.removeProxies

  • summary: Unregister all proxy accounts for the sender.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    WARNING: This may be called on accounts created by pure, however if done, then the unreserved fees will be inaccessible. All access to this account will be lost.

removeProxy(delegate: MultiAddress, proxy_type: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeProxyType, delay: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.proxy.removeProxy

  • summary: Unregister a proxy account for the sender.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.


    • proxy: The account that the caller would like to remove as a proxy.

    • proxy_type: The permissions currently enabled for the removed proxy account.



  • interface: api.tx.session.purgeKeys

  • summary: Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.

    This doesn't take effect until the next session.

    The dispatch origin of this function must be Signed and the account must be either be convertible to a validator ID using the chain's typical addressing system (this usually means being a controller account) or directly convertible into a validator ID (which usually means being a stash account).


    • O(1) in number of key types. Actual cost depends on the number of length of T::Keys::key_ids() which is fixed.

setKeys(keys: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeSessionKeys, proof: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.session.setKeys

  • summary: Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to keys. Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator. This doesn't take effect until the next session.

    The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.


    • O(1). Actual cost depends on the number of length of T::Keys::key_ids() which is fixed.


applyAuthorizedUpgrade(code: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.system.applyAuthorizedUpgrade

  • summary: Provide the preimage (runtime binary) code for an upgrade that has been authorized.

    If the authorization required a version check, this call will ensure the spec name remains unchanged and that the spec version has increased.

    Depending on the runtime's OnSetCode configuration, this function may directly apply the new code in the same block or attempt to schedule the upgrade.

    All origins are allowed.

authorizeUpgrade(code_hash: H256)

  • interface: api.tx.system.authorizeUpgrade

  • summary: Authorize an upgrade to a given code_hash for the runtime. The runtime can be supplied later.

    This call requires Root origin.

authorizeUpgradeWithoutChecks(code_hash: H256)

  • interface: api.tx.system.authorizeUpgradeWithoutChecks

  • summary: Authorize an upgrade to a given code_hash for the runtime. The runtime can be supplied later.

    WARNING: This authorizes an upgrade that will take place without any safety checks, for example that the spec name remains the same and that the version number increases. Not recommended for normal use. Use authorize_upgrade instead.

    This call requires Root origin.

killPrefix(prefix: Bytes, subkeys: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.system.killPrefix

  • summary: Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.

    NOTE: We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys under the prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.

killStorage(keys: Vec<Bytes>)

  • interface: api.tx.system.killStorage
  • summary: Kill some items from storage.

remark(remark: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.system.remark

  • summary: Make some on-chain remark.

    Can be executed by every origin.

remarkWithEvent(remark: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.system.remarkWithEvent
  • summary: Make some on-chain remark and emit event.

setCode(code: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.system.setCode
  • summary: Set the new runtime code.

setCodeWithoutChecks(code: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.system.setCodeWithoutChecks

  • summary: Set the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given code.

    Note that runtime upgrades will not run if this is called with a not-increasing spec version!

setHeapPages(pages: u64)

  • interface: api.tx.system.setHeapPages
  • summary: Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap.

setStorage(items: Vec<(Bytes,Bytes)>)

  • interface: api.tx.system.setStorage
  • summary: Set some items of storage.


set(now: Compact<u64>)

  • interface: api.tx.timestamp.set

  • summary: Set the current time.

    This call should be invoked exactly once per block. It will panic at the finalization phase, if this call hasn't been invoked by that time.

    The timestamp should be greater than the previous one by the amount specified by [Config::MinimumPeriod].

    The dispatch origin for this call must be None.

    This dispatch class is Mandatory to ensure it gets executed in the block. Be aware that changing the complexity of this call could result exhausting the resources in a block to execute any other calls.


    • O(1) (Note that implementations of OnTimestampSet must also be O(1))

    • 1 storage read and 1 storage mutation (codec O(1) because of DidUpdate::take in on_finalize)

    • 1 event handler on_timestamp_set. Must be O(1).


reportBridgeStatus(bridge_id: H256, is_congested: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.toKusamaXcmRouter.reportBridgeStatus
  • summary: Notification about congested bridge queue.


approveTransfer(collection: u32, item: u32, delegate: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.approveTransfer

  • summary: Approve an item to be transferred by a delegated third-party account.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be either the owner of the item or the admin of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be approved for delegated transfer.

    • item: The item of the item to be approved for delegated transfer.

    • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer the item.

      Important NOTE: The approved account gets reset after each transfer.

      Emits ApprovedTransfer on success.

      Weight: O(1)

burn(collection: u32, item: u32, check_owner: Option<MultiAddress>)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.burn

  • summary: Destroy a single item.

    Origin must be Signed and the signing account must be either:

    • the Admin of the collection;

    • the Owner of the item;

    • collection: The collection of the item to be burned.

    • item: The item of the item to be burned.

    • check_owner: If Some then the operation will fail with WrongOwner unless the item is owned by this value.

      Emits Burned with the actual amount burned.

      Weight: O(1) Modes: check_owner.is_some().

buyItem(collection: u32, item: u32, bid_price: u128)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.buyItem

  • summary: Allows to buy an item if it's up for sale.

    Origin must be Signed and must not be the owner of the item.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item the sender wants to buy.

    • bid_price: The price the sender is willing to pay.

      Emits ItemBought on success.

cancelApproval(collection: u32, item: u32, maybe_check_delegate: Option<MultiAddress>)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.cancelApproval

  • summary: Cancel the prior approval for the transfer of an item by a delegate.

    Origin must be either:

    • the Force origin;

    • Signed with the signer being the Admin of the collection;

    • Signed with the signer being the Owner of the item;


    • collection: The collection of the item of whose approval will be cancelled.

    • item: The item of the item of whose approval will be cancelled.

    • maybe_check_delegate: If Some will ensure that the given account is the one to which permission of transfer is delegated.

      Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

      Weight: O(1)

clearAttribute(collection: u32, maybe_item: Option<u32>, key: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.clearAttribute

  • summary: Clear an attribute for a collection or item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to clear.

    • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.

    • key: The key of the attribute.

      Emits AttributeCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

clearCollectionMetadata(collection: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.clearCollectionMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for a collection.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose metadata to clear.

      Emits CollectionMetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

clearMetadata(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.clearMetadata

  • summary: Clear the metadata for an item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the item.

    Any deposit is freed for the collection's owner.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to clear.

    • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.

      Emits MetadataCleared.

      Weight: O(1)

create(collection: u32, admin: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.create

  • summary: Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a public origin.

    This new collection has no items initially and its owner is the origin.

    The origin must conform to the configured CreateOrigin and have sufficient funds free.

    ItemDeposit funds of sender are reserved.


    • collection: The identifier of the new collection. This must not be currently in use.

    • admin: The admin of this collection. The admin is the initial address of each member of the collection's admin team.

      Emits Created event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

destroy(collection: u32, witness: PalletUniquesDestroyWitness)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.destroy

  • summary: Destroy a collection of fungible items.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be the owner of the collection.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection to be destroyed.

    • witness: Information on the items minted in the collection. This must be correct.

      Emits Destroyed event when successful.

      Weight: O(n + m) where:

    • n = witness.items

    • m = witness.item_metadatas

    • a = witness.attributes

forceCreate(collection: u32, owner: MultiAddress, free_holding: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.forceCreate

  • summary: Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a privileged origin.

    This new collection has no items initially.

    The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

    Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

    • collection: The identifier of the new item. This must not be currently in use.

    • owner: The owner of this collection of items. The owner has full superuser permissions over this item, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

      Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

forceItemStatus(collection: u32, owner: MultiAddress, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress, free_holding: bool, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.forceItemStatus

  • summary: Alter the attributes of a given item.

    Origin must be ForceOrigin.

    • collection: The identifier of the item.

    • owner: The new Owner of this item.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this item.

    • admin: The new Admin of this item.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this item.

    • free_holding: Whether a deposit is taken for holding an item of this collection.

    • is_frozen: Whether this collection is frozen except for permissioned/admin instructions.

      Emits ItemStatusChanged with the identity of the item.

      Weight: O(1)

freeze(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.freeze

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfer of an item.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be frozen.

    • item: The item of the item to be frozen.

      Emits Frozen.

      Weight: O(1)

freezeCollection(collection: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.freezeCollection

  • summary: Disallow further unprivileged transfers for a whole collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection to be frozen.

      Emits CollectionFrozen.

      Weight: O(1)

mint(collection: u32, item: u32, owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface:

  • summary: Mint an item of a particular collection.

    The origin must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be minted.

    • item: The item value of the item to be minted.

    • beneficiary: The initial owner of the minted item.

      Emits Issued event when successful.

      Weight: O(1)

redeposit(collection: u32, items: Vec<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.redeposit

  • summary: Reevaluate the deposits on some items.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection to be frozen.

    • items: The items of the collection whose deposits will be reevaluated.

      NOTE: This exists as a best-effort function. Any items which are unknown or in the case that the owner account does not have reservable funds to pay for a deposit increase are ignored. Generally the owner isn't going to call this on items whose existing deposit is less than the refreshed deposit as it would only cost them, so it's of little consequence.

      It will still return an error in the case that the collection is unknown of the signer is not permitted to call it.

      Weight: O(items.len())

setAcceptOwnership(maybe_collection: Option<u32>)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setAcceptOwnership

  • summary: Set (or reset) the acceptance of ownership for a particular account.

    Origin must be Signed and if maybe_collection is Some, then the signer must have a provider reference.

    • maybe_collection: The identifier of the collection whose ownership the signer is willing to accept, or if None, an indication that the signer is willing to accept no ownership transferal.

      Emits OwnershipAcceptanceChanged.

setAttribute(collection: u32, maybe_item: Option<u32>, key: Bytes, value: Bytes)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setAttribute

  • summary: Set an attribute for a collection or item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * (key.len + value.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to set.

    • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.

    • key: The key of the attribute.

    • value: The value to which to set the attribute.

      Emits AttributeSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setCollectionMaxSupply(collection: u32, max_supply: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setCollectionMaxSupply

  • summary: Set the maximum amount of items a collection could have.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    Note: This function can only succeed once per collection.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection to change.

    • max_supply: The maximum amount of items a collection could have.

      Emits CollectionMaxSupplySet event when successful.

setCollectionMetadata(collection: u32, data: Bytes, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setCollectionMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for a collection.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the item whose metadata to update.

    • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • is_frozen: Whether the metadata should be frozen against further changes.

      Emits CollectionMetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setMetadata(collection: u32, item: u32, data: Bytes, is_frozen: bool)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setMetadata

  • summary: Set the metadata for an item.

    Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

    • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item's metadata to set.

    • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.

    • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

    • is_frozen: Whether the metadata should be frozen against further changes.

      Emits MetadataSet.

      Weight: O(1)

setPrice(collection: u32, item: u32, price: Option<u128>, whitelisted_buyer: Option<MultiAddress>)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setPrice

  • summary: Set (or reset) the price for an item.

    Origin must be Signed and must be the owner of the asset item.

    • collection: The collection of the item.

    • item: The item to set the price for.

    • price: The price for the item. Pass None, to reset the price.

    • buyer: Restricts the buy operation to a specific account.

      Emits ItemPriceSet on success if the price is not None. Emits ItemPriceRemoved on success if the price is None.

setTeam(collection: u32, issuer: MultiAddress, admin: MultiAddress, freezer: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.setTeam

  • summary: Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of a collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection whose team should be changed.

    • issuer: The new Issuer of this collection.

    • admin: The new Admin of this collection.

    • freezer: The new Freezer of this collection.

      Emits TeamChanged.

      Weight: O(1)

thaw(collection: u32, item: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.thaw

  • summary: Re-allow unprivileged transfer of an item.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

    • collection: The collection of the item to be thawed.

    • item: The item of the item to be thawed.

      Emits Thawed.

      Weight: O(1)

thawCollection(collection: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.thawCollection

  • summary: Re-allow unprivileged transfers for a whole collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

    • collection: The collection to be thawed.

      Emits CollectionThawed.

      Weight: O(1)

transfer(collection: u32, item: u32, dest: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.transfer

  • summary: Move an item from the sender account to another.

    This resets the approved account of the item.

    Origin must be Signed and the signing account must be either:

    • the Admin of the collection;

    • the Owner of the item;

    • the approved delegate for the item (in this case, the approval is reset).


    • collection: The collection of the item to be transferred.

    • item: The item of the item to be transferred.

    • dest: The account to receive ownership of the item.

      Emits Transferred.

      Weight: O(1)

transferOwnership(collection: u32, new_owner: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.uniques.transferOwnership

  • summary: Change the Owner of a collection.

    Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

    • collection: The collection whose owner should be changed.

    • owner: The new Owner of this collection. They must have called set_accept_ownership with collection in order for this operation to succeed.

      Emits OwnerChanged.

      Weight: O(1)


asDerivative(index: u16, call: Call)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.asDerivative

  • summary: Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.

    Filter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin which use the same filter as the origin of this call.

    NOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e. because you expect proxy to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not want the call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use as_multi_threshold_1 in the Multisig pallet instead.

    NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called as_limited_sub.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

batch(calls: Vec<Call>)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.batch

  • summary: Send a batch of dispatch calls.

    May be called from any origin except None.

    • calls: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not exceed the constant: batched_calls_limit (available in constant metadata).

      If origin is root then the calls are dispatched without checking origin filter. (This includes bypassing frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter).


    • O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.

      This will return Ok in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then the BatchInterrupted event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls made and the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the BatchCompleted event is deposited.

batchAll(calls: Vec<Call>)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.batchAll

  • summary: Send a batch of dispatch calls and atomically execute them. The whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls failed.

    May be called from any origin except None.

    • calls: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not exceed the constant: batched_calls_limit (available in constant metadata).

      If origin is root then the calls are dispatched without checking origin filter. (This includes bypassing frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter).


    • O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.

dispatchAs(as_origin: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeOriginCaller, call: Call)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.dispatchAs

  • summary: Dispatches a function call with a provided origin.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Root.


    • O(1).

forceBatch(calls: Vec<Call>)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.forceBatch

  • summary: Send a batch of dispatch calls. Unlike batch, it allows errors and won't interrupt.

    May be called from any origin except None.

    • calls: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not exceed the constant: batched_calls_limit (available in constant metadata).

      If origin is root then the calls are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includes bypassing frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter).


    • O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.

withWeight(call: Call, weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight)

  • interface: api.tx.utility.withWeight

  • summary: Dispatch a function call with a specified weight.

    This function does not check the weight of the call, and instead allows the Root origin to specify the weight of the call.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Root.


forceRemoveVestingSchedule(target: MultiAddress, schedule_index: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.vesting.forceRemoveVestingSchedule

  • summary: Force remove a vesting schedule

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Root.

    • target: An account that has a vesting schedule

    • schedule_index: The vesting schedule index that should be removed

forceVestedTransfer(source: MultiAddress, target: MultiAddress, schedule: PalletVestingVestingInfo)

  • interface: api.tx.vesting.forceVestedTransfer

  • summary: Force a vested transfer.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Root.

    • source: The account whose funds should be transferred.

    • target: The account that should be transferred the vested funds.

    • schedule: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.

      Emits VestingCreated.

      NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block.


    • O(1).

mergeSchedules(schedule1_index: u32, schedule2_index: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.vesting.mergeSchedules

  • summary: Merge two vesting schedules together, creating a new vesting schedule that unlocks over the highest possible start and end blocks. If both schedules have already started the current block will be used as the schedule start; with the caveat that if one schedule is finished by the current block, the other will be treated as the new merged schedule, unmodified.

    NOTE: If schedule1_index == schedule2_index this is a no-op. NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block prior to merging. NOTE: If both schedules have ended by the current block, no new schedule will be created and both will be removed.

    Merged schedule attributes:

    • starting_block: MAX(schedule1.starting_block, scheduled2.starting_block, current_block).

    • ending_block: MAX(schedule1.ending_block, schedule2.ending_block).

    • locked: schedule1.locked_at(current_block) + schedule2.locked_at(current_block).

      The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • schedule1_index: index of the first schedule to merge.

    • schedule2_index: index of the second schedule to merge.


  • interface: api.tx.vesting.vest

  • summary: Unlock any vested funds of the sender account.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed and the sender must have funds still locked under this pallet.

    Emits either VestingCompleted or VestingUpdated.


    • O(1).

vestOther(target: MultiAddress)

  • interface: api.tx.vesting.vestOther

  • summary: Unlock any vested funds of a target account.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • target: The account whose vested funds should be unlocked. Must have funds still locked under this pallet.

      Emits either VestingCompleted or VestingUpdated.


    • O(1).

vestedTransfer(target: MultiAddress, schedule: PalletVestingVestingInfo)

  • interface: api.tx.vesting.vestedTransfer

  • summary: Create a vested transfer.

    The dispatch origin for this call must be Signed.

    • target: The account receiving the vested funds.

    • schedule: The vesting schedule attached to the transfer.

      Emits VestingCreated.

      NOTE: This will unlock all schedules through the current block.


    • O(1).



  • interface: api.tx.xcmpQueue.resumeXcmExecution

  • summary: Resumes all XCM executions for the XCMP queue.

    Note that this function doesn't change the status of the in/out bound channels.

    • origin: Must pass ControllerOrigin.


  • interface: api.tx.xcmpQueue.suspendXcmExecution

  • summary: Suspends all XCM executions for the XCMP queue, regardless of the sender's origin.

    • origin: Must pass ControllerOrigin.

updateDropThreshold(new: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.xcmpQueue.updateDropThreshold

  • summary: Overwrites the number of pages which must be in the queue after which we drop any further messages from the channel.

    • origin: Must pass Root.

    • new: Desired value for QueueConfigData.drop_threshold

updateResumeThreshold(new: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.xcmpQueue.updateResumeThreshold

  • summary: Overwrites the number of pages which the queue must be reduced to before it signals that message sending may recommence after it has been suspended.

    • origin: Must pass Root.

    • new: Desired value for QueueConfigData.resume_threshold

updateSuspendThreshold(new: u32)

  • interface: api.tx.xcmpQueue.updateSuspendThreshold

  • summary: Overwrites the number of pages which must be in the queue for the other side to be told to suspend their sending.

    • origin: Must pass Root.

    • new: Desired value for QueueConfigData.suspend_value