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The following section contains known runtime calls that may be available on specific runtimes (depending on configuration and available pallets). These call directly into the WASM runtime for queries and operations.


accountNonce(account: SpCoreCryptoAccountId32): u32

  • interface:
  • runtime: accountNonceApi_account_nonce
  • summary: Get current account nonce of given AccountId.


getReserves(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location): Option<(u128,u128)>

  • interface:
  • runtime: assetConversionApi_get_reserves
  • summary: Returns the size of the liquidity pool for the given asset pair.

quotePriceExactTokensForTokens(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location, amount: u128, include_fee: bool): Option<u128>

  • interface:
  • runtime: assetConversionApi_quote_price_exact_tokens_for_tokens
  • summary: Provides a quote for [Pallet::swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens].,, Note that the price may have changed by the time the transaction is executed., (Use amount_out_min to control slippage.)

quotePriceTokensForExactTokens(asset1: StagingXcmV4Location, asset2: StagingXcmV4Location, amount: u128, include_fee: bool): Option<u128>

  • interface:
  • runtime: assetConversionApi_quote_price_tokens_for_exact_tokens
  • summary: Provides a quote for [Pallet::swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens].,, Note that the price may have changed by the time the transaction is executed., (Use amount_in_max to control slippage.)


authorities(): Vec<SpConsensusAuraEd25519AppEd25519Public>

  • interface:
  • runtime: auraApi_authorities
  • summary: Return the current set of authorities.

slotDuration(): SpConsensusSlotsSlotDuration

  • interface:
  • runtime: auraApi_slot_duration
  • summary: Returns the slot duration for Aura.,, Currently, only the value provided by this type at genesis will be used.


canBuildUpon(included_hash: PrimitiveTypesH256, slot: SpConsensusSlotsSlot): bool

  • interface:
  • runtime: auraUnincludedSegmentApi_can_build_upon
  • summary: Whether it is legal to extend the chain, assuming the given block is the most, recently included one as-of the relay parent that will be built against, and, the given slot.,, This should be consistent with the logic the runtime uses when validating blocks to, avoid issues.,, When the unincluded segment is empty, i.e. included_hash == at, where at is the block, whose state we are querying against, this must always return true as long as the slot, is more recent than the included block itself.


applyExtrinsic(extrinsic: SpRuntimeUncheckedExtrinsic): Result<Result<Null, SpRuntimeDispatchError>, SpRuntimeTransactionValidityTransactionValidityError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: blockBuilder_apply_extrinsic
  • summary: Apply the given extrinsic.,, Returns an inclusion outcome which specifies if this extrinsic is included in, this block or not.

checkInherents(block: SpRuntimeBlock, data: SpInherentsInherentData): SpInherentsCheckInherentsResult

  • interface:
  • runtime: blockBuilder_check_inherents
  • summary: Check that the inherents are valid. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.

finalizeBlock(): SpRuntimeHeader

  • interface:
  • runtime: blockBuilder_finalize_block
  • summary: Finish the current block.

inherentExtrinsics(inherent: SpInherentsInherentData): Vec<Bytes>

  • interface:
  • runtime: blockBuilder_inherent_extrinsics
  • summary: Generate inherent extrinsics. The inherent data will vary from chain to chain.


collectCollationInfo(header: SpRuntimeHeader): CumulusPrimitivesCoreCollationInfo

  • interface:
  • runtime: collectCollationInfo_collect_collation_info
  • summary: Collect information about a collation.,, The given header is the header of the built block for that, we are collecting the collation info for.


executeBlock(block: SpRuntimeBlock): Null

  • interface:
  • runtime: core_execute_block
  • summary: Execute the given block.

initializeBlock(header: SpRuntimeHeader): SpRuntimeExtrinsicInclusionMode

  • interface:
  • runtime: core_initialize_block
  • summary: Initialize a block with the given header and return the runtime executive mode.

version(): SpVersionRuntimeVersion

  • interface:
  • runtime: core_version
  • summary: Returns the version of the runtime.


dryRunCall(origin: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeOriginCaller, call: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeRuntimeCall): Result<XcmRuntimeApisDryRunCallDryRunEffects, XcmRuntimeApisDryRunError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: dryRunApi_dry_run_call
  • summary: Dry run call.

dryRunXcm(origin_location: XcmVersionedLocation, xcm: XcmVersionedXcm): Result<XcmRuntimeApisDryRunXcmDryRunEffects, XcmRuntimeApisDryRunError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: dryRunApi_dry_run_xcm
  • summary: Dry run XCM program


queryAccountBalances(account: SpCoreCryptoAccountId32): Result<XcmVersionedAssets, AssetsCommonRuntimeApiFungiblesAccessError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: fungiblesApi_query_account_balances
  • summary: Returns the list of all [Asset] that an AccountId has.


buildState(json: Bytes): Result<Null, Text>

  • interface:
  • runtime: genesisBuilder_build_state
  • summary: Build RuntimeGenesisConfig from a JSON blob not using any defaults and store it in the, storage.,, In the case of a FRAME-based runtime, this function deserializes the full RuntimeGenesisConfig from the given JSON blob and, puts it into the storage. If the provided JSON blob is incorrect or incomplete or the, deserialization fails, an error is returned.,, Please note that provided JSON blob must contain all RuntimeGenesisConfig fields, no, defaults will be used.

getPreset(id: Option<Text>): Option<Bytes>

  • interface:
  • runtime: genesisBuilder_get_preset
  • summary: Returns a JSON blob representation of the built-in RuntimeGenesisConfig identified by, id.,, If id is None the function returns JSON blob representation of the default, RuntimeGenesisConfig struct of the runtime. Implementation must provide default, RuntimeGenesisConfig.,, Otherwise function returns a JSON representation of the built-in, named, RuntimeGenesisConfig preset identified by id, or None if such preset does not, exist. Returned Vec<u8> contains bytes of JSON blob (patch) which comprises a list of, (potentially nested) key-value pairs that are intended for customizing the default, runtime genesis config. The patch shall be merged (rfc7386) with the JSON representation, of the default RuntimeGenesisConfig to create a comprehensive genesis config that can, be used in build_state method.

presetNames(): Vec<Text>

  • interface:
  • runtime: genesisBuilder_preset_names
  • summary: Returns a list of identifiers for available builtin RuntimeGenesisConfig presets.,, The presets from the list can be queried with [GenesisBuilder::get_preset] method. If, no named presets are provided by the runtime the list is empty.


convertLocation(location: XcmVersionedLocation): Result<AccountId32, XcmRuntimeApisConversionsError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: locationToAccountApi_convert_location
  • summary: Converts Location to AccountId.


metadata(): SpCoreOpaqueMetadata

  • interface:
  • runtime: metadata_metadata
  • summary: Returns the metadata of a runtime.

metadataAtVersion(version: u32): Option<OpaqueMetadata>

  • interface:
  • runtime: metadata_metadata_at_version
  • summary: Returns the metadata at a given version.,, If the given version isn't supported, this will return None., Use [Self::metadata_versions] to find out about supported metadata version of the runtime.

metadataVersions(): Vec<u32>

  • interface:
  • runtime: metadata_metadata_versions
  • summary: Returns the supported metadata versions.,, This can be used to call metadata_at_version.


offchainWorker(header: SpRuntimeHeader): Null

  • interface:
  • runtime: offchainWorkerApi_offchain_worker
  • summary: Starts the off-chain task for given block header.


decodeSessionKeys(encoded: Bytes): Option<Vec<(Bytes,SpCoreCryptoKeyTypeId)>>

  • interface:
  • runtime: sessionKeys_decode_session_keys
  • summary: Decode the given public session keys.,, Returns the list of public raw public keys + key type.

generateSessionKeys(seed: Option<Bytes>): Bytes

  • interface:
  • runtime: sessionKeys_generate_session_keys
  • summary: Generate a set of session keys with optionally using the given seed., The keys should be stored within the keystore exposed via runtime, externalities.,, The seed needs to be a valid utf8 string.,, Returns the concatenated SCALE encoded public keys.


validateTransaction(source: SpRuntimeTransactionValidityTransactionSource, tx: SpRuntimeUncheckedExtrinsic, block_hash: PrimitiveTypesH256): Result<SpRuntimeTransactionValidityValidTransaction, SpRuntimeTransactionValidityTransactionValidityError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: taggedTransactionQueue_validate_transaction
  • summary: Validate the transaction.,, This method is invoked by the transaction pool to learn details about given transaction., The implementation should make sure to verify the correctness of the transaction, against current state. The given block_hash corresponds to the hash of the block, that is used as current state.,, Note that this call may be performed by the pool multiple times and transactions, might be verified in any possible order.


queryFeeDetails(uxt: SpRuntimeUncheckedExtrinsic, len: u32): PalletTransactionPaymentFeeDetails

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentApi_query_fee_details
  • summary:

queryInfo(uxt: SpRuntimeUncheckedExtrinsic, len: u32): PalletTransactionPaymentRuntimeDispatchInfo

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentApi_query_info
  • summary:

queryLengthToFee(length: u32): u128

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentApi_query_length_to_fee
  • summary:

queryWeightToFee(weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight): u128

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentApi_query_weight_to_fee
  • summary:


queryCallFeeDetails(call: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeRuntimeCall, len: u32): PalletTransactionPaymentFeeDetails

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentCallApi_query_call_fee_details
  • summary: Query fee details of a given encoded Call.

queryCallInfo(call: AssetHubPolkadotRuntimeRuntimeCall, len: u32): PalletTransactionPaymentRuntimeDispatchInfo

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentCallApi_query_call_info
  • summary: Query information of a dispatch class, weight, and fee of a given encoded Call.

queryLengthToFee(length: u32): u128

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentCallApi_query_length_to_fee
  • summary: Query the output of the current LengthToFee given some input.

queryWeightToFee(weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight): u128

  • interface:
  • runtime: transactionPaymentCallApi_query_weight_to_fee
  • summary: Query the output of the current WeightToFee given some input.


queryAcceptablePaymentAssets(xcm_version: u32): Result<Vec<XcmVersionedAssetId>, XcmRuntimeApisFeesError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: xcmPaymentApi_query_acceptable_payment_assets
  • summary: Returns a list of acceptable payment assets.,, # Arguments,, * xcm_version: Version.

queryDeliveryFees(destination: XcmVersionedLocation, message: XcmVersionedXcm): Result<XcmVersionedAssets, XcmRuntimeApisFeesError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: xcmPaymentApi_query_delivery_fees
  • summary: Get delivery fees for sending a specific message to a destination., These always come in a specific asset, defined by the chain.,, # Arguments, message: The message that'll be sent, necessary because most delivery fees are based on the, size of the message., destination: The destination to send the message to. Different destinations may use, different senders that charge different fees.

queryWeightToAssetFee(weight: SpWeightsWeightV2Weight, asset: XcmVersionedAssetId): Result<u128, XcmRuntimeApisFeesError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: xcmPaymentApi_query_weight_to_asset_fee
  • summary: Converts a weight into a fee for the specified AssetId.,, # Arguments,, weight: convertible Weight., asset: VersionedAssetId.

queryXcmWeight(message: XcmVersionedXcm): Result<SpWeightsWeightV2Weight, XcmRuntimeApisFeesError>

  • interface:
  • runtime: xcmPaymentApi_query_xcm_weight
  • summary: Returns a weight needed to execute a XCM.,, # Arguments,, * message: VersionedXcm.