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The following sections contain Storage methods are part of the default Kusama runtime. On the api, these are exposed via api.query.<module>.<method>.

(NOTE: These were generated from a static/snapshot view of a recent default Kusama runtime. Some items may not be available in older nodes, or in any customized implementations.)


conversionRateToNative(PolkadotRuntimeCommonImplsVersionedLocatableAsset): Option<u128>

  • interface: api.query.assetRate.conversionRateToNative

  • summary: Maps an asset to its fixed point representation in the native balance.

    E.g. native_amount = asset_amount * ConversionRateToNative::<T>::get(asset_kind)


auctionCounter(): u32

  • interface: api.query.auctions.auctionCounter
  • summary: Number of auctions started so far.

auctionInfo(): Option<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.auctions.auctionInfo

  • summary: Information relating to the current auction, if there is one.

    The first item in the tuple is the lease period index that the first of the four contiguous lease periods on auction is for. The second is the block number when the auction will "begin to end", i.e. the first block of the Ending Period of the auction.

reservedAmounts((AccountId32,u32)): Option<u128>

  • interface: api.query.auctions.reservedAmounts
  • summary: Amounts currently reserved in the accounts of the bidders currently winning (sub-)ranges.

winning(u32): Option<[Option<(AccountId32,u32,u128)>;36]>

  • interface: api.query.auctions.winning
  • summary: The winning bids for each of the 10 ranges at each sample in the final Ending Period of the current auction. The map's key is the 0-based index into the Sample Size. The first sample of the ending period is 0; the last is Sample Size - 1.


keys(): Vec<SpAuthorityDiscoveryAppPublic>

  • interface: api.query.authorityDiscovery.keys
  • summary: Keys of the current authority set.

nextKeys(): Vec<SpAuthorityDiscoveryAppPublic>

  • interface: api.query.authorityDiscovery.nextKeys
  • summary: Keys of the next authority set.


author(): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface:
  • summary: Author of current block.


authorities(): Vec<(SpConsensusBabeAppPublic,u64)>

  • interface: api.query.babe.authorities
  • summary: Current epoch authorities.

authorVrfRandomness(): Option<[u8;32]>

  • interface: api.query.babe.authorVrfRandomness

  • summary: This field should always be populated during block processing unless secondary plain slots are enabled (which don't contain a VRF output).

    It is set in on_finalize, before it will contain the value from the last block.

currentSlot(): u64

  • interface: api.query.babe.currentSlot
  • summary: Current slot number.

epochConfig(): Option<SpConsensusBabeBabeEpochConfiguration>

  • interface: api.query.babe.epochConfig
  • summary: The configuration for the current epoch. Should never be None as it is initialized in genesis.

epochIndex(): u64

  • interface: api.query.babe.epochIndex
  • summary: Current epoch index.

epochStart(): (u32,u32)

  • interface: api.query.babe.epochStart
  • summary: The block numbers when the last and current epoch have started, respectively N-1 and N. NOTE: We track this is in order to annotate the block number when a given pool of entropy was fixed (i.e. it was known to chain observers). Since epochs are defined in slots, which may be skipped, the block numbers may not line up with the slot numbers.

genesisSlot(): u64

  • interface: api.query.babe.genesisSlot
  • summary: The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0 until the first block of the chain.

initialized(): Option<Option<SpConsensusBabeDigestsPreDigest>>

  • interface: api.query.babe.initialized
  • summary: Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is Some if per-block initialization has already been called for current block.

lateness(): u32

  • interface: api.query.babe.lateness

  • summary: How late the current block is compared to its parent.

    This entry is populated as part of block execution and is cleaned up on block finalization. Querying this storage entry outside of block execution context should always yield zero.

nextAuthorities(): Vec<(SpConsensusBabeAppPublic,u64)>

  • interface: api.query.babe.nextAuthorities
  • summary: Next epoch authorities.

nextEpochConfig(): Option<SpConsensusBabeBabeEpochConfiguration>

  • interface: api.query.babe.nextEpochConfig
  • summary: The configuration for the next epoch, None if the config will not change (you can fallback to EpochConfig instead in that case).

nextRandomness(): [u8;32]

  • interface: api.query.babe.nextRandomness
  • summary: Next epoch randomness.

pendingEpochConfigChange(): Option<SpConsensusBabeDigestsNextConfigDescriptor>

  • interface: api.query.babe.pendingEpochConfigChange
  • summary: Pending epoch configuration change that will be applied when the next epoch is enacted.

randomness(): [u8;32]

  • interface: api.query.babe.randomness

  • summary: The epoch randomness for the current epoch.


    This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs.

segmentIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.babe.segmentIndex

  • summary: Randomness under construction.

    We make a trade-off between storage accesses and list length. We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to UNDER_CONSTRUCTION_SEGMENT_LENGTH.

    Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one. We reset all segments and return to 0 at the beginning of every epoch.

skippedEpochs(): Vec<(u64,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.babe.skippedEpochs

  • summary: A list of the last 100 skipped epochs and the corresponding session index when the epoch was skipped.

    This is only used for validating equivocation proofs. An equivocation proof must contains a key-ownership proof for a given session, therefore we need a way to tie together sessions and epoch indices, i.e. we need to validate that a validator was the owner of a given key on a given session, and what the active epoch index was during that session.

underConstruction(u32): Vec<[u8;32]>

  • interface: api.query.babe.underConstruction
  • summary: TWOX-NOTE: SegmentIndex is an increasing integer, so this is okay.


account(AccountId32): PalletBalancesAccountData

  • interface: api.query.balances.account

  • summary: The Balances pallet example of storing the balance of an account.


    nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type AccountStore = StorageMapShim<Self::Account<Runtime>, frame_system::Provider<Runtime>, AccountId, Self::AccountData<Balance>> }

    You can also store the balance of an account in the System pallet.


    nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type AccountStore = System }

    But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet stores frame_system data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the Balances pallet, which uses a StorageMap to store balances data only. NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.

freezes(AccountId32): Vec<{"id":"StagingKusamaRuntimeRuntimeFreezeReason","amount":"u128"}>

  • interface: api.query.balances.freezes
  • summary: Freeze locks on account balances.

holds(AccountId32): Vec<{"id":"StagingKusamaRuntimeRuntimeHoldReason","amount":"u128"}>

  • interface: api.query.balances.holds
  • summary: Holds on account balances.

inactiveIssuance(): u128

  • interface: api.query.balances.inactiveIssuance
  • summary: The total units of outstanding deactivated balance in the system.

locks(AccountId32): Vec<PalletBalancesBalanceLock>

  • interface: api.query.balances.locks

  • summary: Any liquidity locks on some account balances. NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock.

    Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See

reserves(AccountId32): Vec<PalletBalancesReserveData>

  • interface: api.query.balances.reserves

  • summary: Named reserves on some account balances.

    Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See

totalIssuance(): u128

  • interface: api.query.balances.totalIssuance
  • summary: The total units issued in the system.


authorities(): Vec<SpConsensusBeefyEcdsaCryptoPublic>

  • interface: api.query.beefy.authorities
  • summary: The current authorities set

genesisBlock(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.beefy.genesisBlock
  • summary: Block number where BEEFY consensus is enabled/started. By changing this (through privileged set_new_genesis()), BEEFY consensus is effectively restarted from the newly set block number.

nextAuthorities(): Vec<SpConsensusBeefyEcdsaCryptoPublic>

  • interface: api.query.beefy.nextAuthorities
  • summary: Authorities set scheduled to be used with the next session

setIdSession(u64): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.beefy.setIdSession

  • summary: A mapping from BEEFY set ID to the index of the most recent session for which its members were responsible.

    This is only used for validating equivocation proofs. An equivocation proof must contains a key-ownership proof for a given session, therefore we need a way to tie together sessions and BEEFY set ids, i.e. we need to validate that a validator was the owner of a given key on a given session, and what the active set ID was during that session.

    TWOX-NOTE: ValidatorSetId is not under user control.

validatorSetId(): u64

  • interface: api.query.beefy.validatorSetId
  • summary: The current validator set id


beefyAuthorities(): SpConsensusBeefyMmrBeefyAuthoritySet

  • interface: api.query.beefyMmrLeaf.beefyAuthorities
  • summary: Details of current BEEFY authority set.

beefyNextAuthorities(): SpConsensusBeefyMmrBeefyAuthoritySet

  • interface: api.query.beefyMmrLeaf.beefyNextAuthorities

  • summary: Details of next BEEFY authority set.

    This storage entry is used as cache for calls to update_beefy_next_authority_set.


bounties(u32): Option<PalletBountiesBounty>

  • interface: api.query.bounties.bounties
  • summary: Bounties that have been made.

bountyApprovals(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.bounties.bountyApprovals
  • summary: Bounty indices that have been approved but not yet funded.

bountyCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.bounties.bountyCount
  • summary: Number of bounty proposals that have been made.

bountyDescriptions(u32): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.bounties.bountyDescriptions
  • summary: The description of each bounty.


childBounties(u32, u32): Option<PalletChildBountiesChildBounty>

  • interface: api.query.childBounties.childBounties
  • summary: Child bounties that have been added.

childBountyCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.childBounties.childBountyCount
  • summary: Number of total child bounties.

childBountyDescriptions(u32): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.childBounties.childBountyDescriptions
  • summary: The description of each child-bounty.

childrenCuratorFees(u32): u128

  • interface: api.query.childBounties.childrenCuratorFees
  • summary: The cumulative child-bounty curator fee for each parent bounty.

parentChildBounties(u32): u32

  • interface: api.query.childBounties.parentChildBounties
  • summary: Number of child bounties per parent bounty. Map of parent bounty index to number of child bounties.


claims(EthereumAddress): Option<u128>

  • interface:

preclaims(AccountId32): Option<EthereumAddress>

  • interface:
  • summary: Pre-claimed Ethereum accounts, by the Account ID that they are claimed to.

signing(EthereumAddress): Option<PolkadotRuntimeCommonClaimsStatementKind>

  • interface:
  • summary: The statement kind that must be signed, if any.

total(): u128

  • interface:

vesting(EthereumAddress): Option<(u128,u128,u32)>

  • interface:
  • summary: Vesting schedule for a claim. First balance is the total amount that should be held for vesting. Second balance is how much should be unlocked per block. The block number is when the vesting should start.


activeConfig(): PolkadotRuntimeParachainsConfigurationHostConfiguration

  • interface: api.query.configuration.activeConfig
  • summary: The active configuration for the current session.

bypassConsistencyCheck(): bool

  • interface: api.query.configuration.bypassConsistencyCheck
  • summary: If this is set, then the configuration setters will bypass the consistency checks. This is meant to be used only as the last resort.

pendingConfigs(): Vec<(u32,PolkadotRuntimeParachainsConfigurationHostConfiguration)>

  • interface: api.query.configuration.pendingConfigs

  • summary: Pending configuration changes.

    This is a list of configuration changes, each with a session index at which it should be applied.

    The list is sorted ascending by session index. Also, this list can only contain at most 2 items: for the next session and for the scheduled_session.


classLocksFor(AccountId32): Vec<(u16,u128)>

  • interface: api.query.convictionVoting.classLocksFor
  • summary: The voting classes which have a non-zero lock requirement and the lock amounts which they require. The actual amount locked on behalf of this pallet should always be the maximum of this list.

votingFor(AccountId32, u16): PalletConvictionVotingVoteVoting

  • interface: api.query.convictionVoting.votingFor
  • summary: All voting for a particular voter in a particular voting class. We store the balance for the number of votes that we have recorded.


coreDescriptors(u32): PolkadotRuntimeParachainsAssignerCoretimeCoreDescriptor

  • interface: api.query.coretimeAssignmentProvider.coreDescriptors

  • summary: Assignments which are currently active.

    They will be picked from PendingAssignments once we reach the scheduled block number in PendingAssignments.

coreSchedules((u32,u32)): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsAssignerCoretimeSchedule>

  • interface: api.query.coretimeAssignmentProvider.coreSchedules

  • summary: Scheduled assignment sets.

    Assignments as of the given block number. They will go into state once the block number is reached (and replace whatever was in there before).


endingsCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.crowdloan.endingsCount
  • summary: The number of auctions that have entered into their ending period so far.

funds(u32): Option<PolkadotRuntimeCommonCrowdloanFundInfo>

  • interface: api.query.crowdloan.funds
  • summary: Info on all of the funds.

newRaise(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.crowdloan.newRaise
  • summary: The funds that have had additional contributions during the last block. This is used in order to determine which funds should submit new or updated bids.

nextFundIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.crowdloan.nextFundIndex
  • summary: Tracker for the next available fund index


agents(AccountId32): Option<PalletDelegatedStakingAgentLedger>

  • interface: api.query.delegatedStaking.agents
  • summary: Map of Agent to their Ledger.

counterForAgents(): u32

  • interface: api.query.delegatedStaking.counterForAgents
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForDelegators(): u32

  • interface: api.query.delegatedStaking.counterForDelegators
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

delegators(AccountId32): Option<PalletDelegatedStakingDelegation>

  • interface: api.query.delegatedStaking.delegators

  • summary: Map of Delegators to their Delegation.

    Implementation note: We are not using a double map with delegator and agent account as keys since we want to restrict delegators to delegate only to one account at a time.


deliveryFeeFactor(u32): u128

  • interface: api.query.dmp.deliveryFeeFactor
  • summary: The factor to multiply the base delivery fee by.

downwardMessageQueueHeads(u32): H256

  • interface: api.query.dmp.downwardMessageQueueHeads

  • summary: A mapping that stores the downward message queue MQC head for each para.

    Each link in this chain has a form: (prev_head, B, H(M)), where

    • prev_head: is the previous head hash or zero if none.

    • B: is the relay-chain block number in which a message was appended.

    • H(M): is the hash of the message being appended.

downwardMessageQueues(u32): Vec<PolkadotCorePrimitivesInboundDownwardMessage>

  • interface: api.query.dmp.downwardMessageQueues
  • summary: The downward messages addressed for a certain para.


currentPhase(): PalletElectionProviderMultiPhasePhase

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.currentPhase
  • summary: Current phase.

desiredTargets(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.desiredTargets

  • summary: Desired number of targets to elect for this round.

    Only exists when [Snapshot] is present. Note: This storage type must only be mutated through [SnapshotWrapper].

minimumUntrustedScore(): Option<SpNposElectionsElectionScore>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.minimumUntrustedScore

  • summary: The minimum score that each 'untrusted' solution must attain in order to be considered feasible.

    Can be set via set_minimum_untrusted_score.

queuedSolution(): Option<PalletElectionProviderMultiPhaseReadySolution>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.queuedSolution

  • summary: Current best solution, signed or unsigned, queued to be returned upon elect.

    Always sorted by score.

round(): u32

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.round

  • summary: Internal counter for the number of rounds.

    This is useful for de-duplication of transactions submitted to the pool, and general diagnostics of the pallet.

    This is merely incremented once per every time that an upstream elect is called.

signedSubmissionIndices(): Vec<(SpNposElectionsElectionScore,u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.signedSubmissionIndices

  • summary: A sorted, bounded vector of (score, block_number, index), where each index points to a value in SignedSubmissions.

    We never need to process more than a single signed submission at a time. Signed submissions can be quite large, so we're willing to pay the cost of multiple database accesses to access them one at a time instead of reading and decoding all of them at once.

signedSubmissionNextIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.signedSubmissionNextIndex

  • summary: The next index to be assigned to an incoming signed submission.

    Every accepted submission is assigned a unique index; that index is bound to that particular submission for the duration of the election. On election finalization, the next index is reset to 0.

    We can't just use SignedSubmissionIndices.len(), because that's a bounded set; past its capacity, it will simply saturate. We can't just iterate over SignedSubmissionsMap, because iteration is slow. Instead, we store the value here.

signedSubmissionsMap(u32): Option<PalletElectionProviderMultiPhaseSignedSignedSubmission>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.signedSubmissionsMap

  • summary: Unchecked, signed solutions.

    Together with SubmissionIndices, this stores a bounded set of SignedSubmissions while allowing us to keep only a single one in memory at a time.

    Twox note: the key of the map is an auto-incrementing index which users cannot inspect or affect; we shouldn't need a cryptographically secure hasher.

snapshot(): Option<PalletElectionProviderMultiPhaseRoundSnapshot>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.snapshot

  • summary: Snapshot data of the round.

    This is created at the beginning of the signed phase and cleared upon calling elect. Note: This storage type must only be mutated through [SnapshotWrapper].

snapshotMetadata(): Option<PalletElectionProviderMultiPhaseSolutionOrSnapshotSize>

  • interface: api.query.electionProviderMultiPhase.snapshotMetadata

  • summary: The metadata of the [RoundSnapshot]

    Only exists when [Snapshot] is present. Note: This storage type must only be mutated through [SnapshotWrapper].


counterForQueue(): u32

  • interface: api.query.fastUnstake.counterForQueue
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

erasToCheckPerBlock(): u32

  • interface: api.query.fastUnstake.erasToCheckPerBlock

  • summary: Number of eras to check per block.

    If set to 0, this pallet does absolutely nothing. Cannot be set to more than [Config::MaxErasToCheckPerBlock].

    Based on the amount of weight available at [Pallet::on_idle], up to this many eras are checked. The checking is represented by updating [UnstakeRequest::checked], which is stored in [Head].

head(): Option<PalletFastUnstakeUnstakeRequest>

  • interface: api.query.fastUnstake.head

  • summary: The current "head of the queue" being unstaked.

    The head in itself can be a batch of up to [Config::BatchSize] stakers.

queue(AccountId32): Option<u128>

  • interface: api.query.fastUnstake.queue

  • summary: The map of all accounts wishing to be unstaked.

    Keeps track of AccountId wishing to unstake and it's corresponding deposit.


idToIndex(u16, AccountId32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipCollective.idToIndex
  • summary: The index of each ranks's member into the group of members who have at least that rank.

indexToId(u16, u32): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipCollective.indexToId
  • summary: The members in the collective by index. All indices in the range 0..MemberCount will return Some, however a member's index is not guaranteed to remain unchanged over time.

memberCount(u16): u32

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipCollective.memberCount
  • summary: The number of members in the collective who have at least the rank according to the index of the vec.

members(AccountId32): Option<PalletRankedCollectiveMemberRecord>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipCollective.members
  • summary: The current members of the collective.

voting(u32, AccountId32): Option<PalletRankedCollectiveVoteRecord>

  • interface:
  • summary: Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing.

votingCleanup(u32): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipCollective.votingCleanup


decidingCount(u16): u32

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipReferenda.decidingCount
  • summary: The number of referenda being decided currently.

metadataOf(u32): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipReferenda.metadataOf

  • summary: The metadata is a general information concerning the referendum. The Hash refers to the preimage of the Preimages provider which can be a JSON dump or IPFS hash of a JSON file.

    Consider a garbage collection for a metadata of finished referendums to unrequest (remove) large preimages.

referendumCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipReferenda.referendumCount
  • summary: The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far.

referendumInfoFor(u32): Option<PalletReferendaReferendumInfoRankedCollectiveTally>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipReferenda.referendumInfoFor
  • summary: Information concerning any given referendum.

trackQueue(u16): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.fellowshipReferenda.trackQueue

  • summary: The sorted list of referenda ready to be decided but not yet being decided, ordered by conviction-weighted approvals.

    This should be empty if DecidingCount is less than TrackInfo::max_deciding.


authorities(): Vec<(SpConsensusGrandpaAppPublic,u64)>

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.authorities
  • summary: The current list of authorities.

currentSetId(): u64

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.currentSetId
  • summary: The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities) in the "set" of Grandpa validators from genesis.

nextForced(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.nextForced
  • summary: next block number where we can force a change.

pendingChange(): Option<PalletGrandpaStoredPendingChange>

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.pendingChange
  • summary: Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change).

setIdSession(u64): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.setIdSession

  • summary: A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the most recent session for which its members were responsible.

    This is only used for validating equivocation proofs. An equivocation proof must contains a key-ownership proof for a given session, therefore we need a way to tie together sessions and GRANDPA set ids, i.e. we need to validate that a validator was the owner of a given key on a given session, and what the active set ID was during that session.

    TWOX-NOTE: SetId is not under user control.

stalled(): Option<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.stalled
  • summary: true if we are currently stalled.

state(): PalletGrandpaStoredState

  • interface: api.query.grandpa.state
  • summary: State of the current authority set.


historicalSessions(u32): Option<(H256,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.historical.historicalSessions
  • summary: Mapping from historical session indices to session-data root hash and validator count.

storedRange(): Option<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.historical.storedRange
  • summary: The range of historical sessions we store. [first, last)


hrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount(u32): u32

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount
  • summary: This mapping tracks how many open channel requests were accepted by a given recipient para. Invariant: HrmpOpenChannelRequests should contain the same number of items (_, X) with confirmed set to true, as the number of HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount for X.

hrmpChannelContents(PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId): Vec<PolkadotCorePrimitivesInboundHrmpMessage>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpChannelContents
  • summary: Storage for the messages for each channel. Invariant: cannot be non-empty if the corresponding channel in HrmpChannels is None.

hrmpChannelDigests(u32): Vec<(u32,Vec<u32>)>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpChannelDigests

  • summary: Maintains a mapping that can be used to answer the question: What paras sent a message at the given block number for a given receiver. Invariants:

    • The inner Vec<ParaId> is never empty.

    • The inner Vec<ParaId> cannot store two same ParaId.

    • The outer vector is sorted ascending by block number and cannot store two items with the same block number.

hrmpChannels(PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsHrmpHrmpChannel>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpChannels

  • summary: HRMP channel data associated with each para. Invariant:

    • each participant in the channel should satisfy Paras::is_valid_para(P) within a session.

hrmpCloseChannelRequests(PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId): Option<Null>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpCloseChannelRequests

  • summary: A set of pending HRMP close channel requests that are going to be closed during the session change. Used for checking if a given channel is registered for closure.

    The set is accompanied by a list for iteration.


    • There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa.

hrmpCloseChannelRequestsList(): Vec<PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpCloseChannelRequestsList

hrmpEgressChannelsIndex(u32): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpEgressChannelsIndex

hrmpIngressChannelsIndex(u32): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpIngressChannelsIndex

  • summary: Ingress/egress indexes allow to find all the senders and receivers given the opposite side. I.e.

    (a) ingress index allows to find all the senders for a given recipient. (b) egress index allows to find all the recipients for a given sender.


    • for each ingress index entry for P each item I in the index should present in HrmpChannels as (I, P).

    • for each egress index entry for P each item E in the index should present in HrmpChannels as (P, E).

    • there should be no other dangling channels in HrmpChannels.

    • the vectors are sorted.

hrmpOpenChannelRequestCount(u32): u32

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpOpenChannelRequestCount
  • summary: This mapping tracks how many open channel requests are initiated by a given sender para. Invariant: HrmpOpenChannelRequests should contain the same number of items that has (X, _) as the number of HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount for X.

hrmpOpenChannelRequests(PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsHrmpHrmpOpenChannelRequest>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpOpenChannelRequests

  • summary: The set of pending HRMP open channel requests.

    The set is accompanied by a list for iteration.


    • There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa.

hrmpOpenChannelRequestsList(): Vec<PolkadotParachainPrimitivesPrimitivesHrmpChannelId>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpOpenChannelRequestsList

hrmpWatermarks(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.hrmp.hrmpWatermarks

  • summary: The HRMP watermark associated with each para. Invariant:

    • each para P used here as a key should satisfy Paras::is_valid_para(P) within a session.


accounts(u32): Option<(AccountId32,u128,bool)>

  • interface: api.query.indices.accounts
  • summary: The lookup from index to account.


bufferedSessionChanges(): Vec<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsInitializerBufferedSessionChange>

  • interface: api.query.initializer.bufferedSessionChanges

  • summary: Buffered session changes along with the block number at which they should be applied.

    Typically this will be empty or one element long. Apart from that this item never hits the storage.

    However this is a Vec regardless to handle various edge cases that may occur at runtime upgrade boundaries or if governance intervenes.

hasInitialized(): Option<Null>

  • interface: api.query.initializer.hasInitialized

  • summary: Whether the parachains modules have been initialized within this block.

    Semantically a bool, but this guarantees it should never hit the trie, as this is cleared in on_finalize and Frame optimizes None values to be empty values.

    As a bool, set(false) and remove() both lead to the next get() being false, but one of them writes to the trie and one does not. This confusion makes Option<()> more suitable for the semantics of this variable.


bookStateFor(PolkadotRuntimeParachainsInclusionAggregateMessageOrigin): PalletMessageQueueBookState

  • interface: api.query.messageQueue.bookStateFor
  • summary: The index of the first and last (non-empty) pages.

pages(PolkadotRuntimeParachainsInclusionAggregateMessageOrigin, u32): Option<PalletMessageQueuePage>

  • interface: api.query.messageQueue.pages
  • summary: The map of page indices to pages.

serviceHead(): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsInclusionAggregateMessageOrigin>

  • interface: api.query.messageQueue.serviceHead
  • summary: The origin at which we should begin servicing.


nodes(u64): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.mmr.nodes

  • summary: Hashes of the nodes in the MMR.

    Note this collection only contains MMR peaks, the inner nodes (and leaves) are pruned and only stored in the Offchain DB.

numberOfLeaves(): u64

  • interface: api.query.mmr.numberOfLeaves
  • summary: Current size of the MMR (number of leaves).

rootHash(): H256

  • interface: api.query.mmr.rootHash
  • summary: Latest MMR Root hash.


multisigs(AccountId32, [u8;32]): Option<PalletMultisigMultisig>

  • interface: api.query.multisig.multisigs
  • summary: The set of open multisig operations.


queues(u32): Vec<PalletNisBid>

  • interface: api.query.nis.queues
  • summary: The queues of bids. Indexed by duration (in Periods).

queueTotals(): Vec<(u32,u128)>

  • interface: api.query.nis.queueTotals

  • summary: The totals of items and balances within each queue. Saves a lot of storage reads in the case of sparsely packed queues.

    The vector is indexed by duration in Periods, offset by one, so information on the queue whose duration is one Period would be storage 0.

receipts(u32): Option<PalletNisReceiptRecord>

  • interface: api.query.nis.receipts
  • summary: The currently outstanding receipts, indexed according to the order of creation.

summary(): PalletNisSummaryRecord

  • interface: api.query.nis.summary
  • summary: Summary information over the general state.


account(AccountId32): PalletBalancesAccountData

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.account

  • summary: The Balances pallet example of storing the balance of an account.


    nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type AccountStore = StorageMapShim<Self::Account<Runtime>, frame_system::Provider<Runtime>, AccountId, Self::AccountData<Balance>> }

    You can also store the balance of an account in the System pallet.


    nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime { type AccountStore = System }

    But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet stores frame_system data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the Balances pallet, which uses a StorageMap to store balances data only. NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.

freezes(AccountId32): Vec<FrameSupportTokensMiscIdAmount>

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.freezes
  • summary: Freeze locks on account balances.

holds(AccountId32): Vec<{"id":"StagingKusamaRuntimeRuntimeHoldReason","amount":"u128"}>

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.holds
  • summary: Holds on account balances.

inactiveIssuance(): u128

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.inactiveIssuance
  • summary: The total units of outstanding deactivated balance in the system.

locks(AccountId32): Vec<PalletBalancesBalanceLock>

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.locks

  • summary: Any liquidity locks on some account balances. NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock.

    Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See

reserves(AccountId32): Vec<PalletBalancesReserveData>

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.reserves

  • summary: Named reserves on some account balances.

    Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See

totalIssuance(): u128

  • interface: api.query.nisCounterpartBalances.totalIssuance
  • summary: The total units issued in the system.


bondedPools(u32): Option<PalletNominationPoolsBondedPoolInner>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.bondedPools
  • summary: Storage for bonded pools.

claimPermissions(AccountId32): PalletNominationPoolsClaimPermission

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.claimPermissions
  • summary: Map from a pool member account to their opted claim permission.

counterForBondedPools(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForBondedPools
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForMetadata(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForMetadata
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForPoolMembers(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForPoolMembers
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForReversePoolIdLookup(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForReversePoolIdLookup
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForRewardPools(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForRewardPools
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForSubPoolsStorage(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.counterForSubPoolsStorage
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

globalMaxCommission(): Option<Perbill>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.globalMaxCommission
  • summary: The maximum commission that can be charged by a pool. Used on commission payouts to bound pool commissions that are > GlobalMaxCommission, necessary if a future GlobalMaxCommission is lower than some current pool commissions.

lastPoolId(): u32

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.lastPoolId
  • summary: Ever increasing number of all pools created so far.

maxPoolMembers(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.maxPoolMembers
  • summary: Maximum number of members that can exist in the system. If None, then the count members are not bound on a system wide basis.

maxPoolMembersPerPool(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.maxPoolMembersPerPool
  • summary: Maximum number of members that may belong to pool. If None, then the count of members is not bound on a per pool basis.

maxPools(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.maxPools
  • summary: Maximum number of nomination pools that can exist. If None, then an unbounded number of pools can exist.

metadata(u32): Bytes

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.metadata
  • summary: Metadata for the pool.

minCreateBond(): u128

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.minCreateBond

  • summary: Minimum bond required to create a pool.

    This is the amount that the depositor must put as their initial stake in the pool, as an indication of "skin in the game".

    This is the value that will always exist in the staking ledger of the pool bonded account while all other accounts leave.

minJoinBond(): u128

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.minJoinBond
  • summary: Minimum amount to bond to join a pool.

poolMembers(AccountId32): Option<PalletNominationPoolsPoolMember>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.poolMembers

  • summary: Active members.

    TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since AccountId is a secure hash.

reversePoolIdLookup(AccountId32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.reversePoolIdLookup

  • summary: A reverse lookup from the pool's account id to its id.

    This is only used for slashing and on automatic withdraw update. In all other instances, the pool id is used, and the accounts are deterministically derived from it.

rewardPools(u32): Option<PalletNominationPoolsRewardPool>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.rewardPools
  • summary: Reward pools. This is where there rewards for each pool accumulate. When a members payout is claimed, the balance comes out of the reward pool. Keyed by the bonded pools account.

subPoolsStorage(u32): Option<PalletNominationPoolsSubPools>

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.subPoolsStorage
  • summary: Groups of unbonding pools. Each group of unbonding pools belongs to a bonded pool, hence the name sub-pools. Keyed by the bonded pools account.

totalValueLocked(): u128

  • interface: api.query.nominationPools.totalValueLocked

  • summary: The sum of funds across all pools.

    This might be lower but never higher than the sum of total_balance of all [PoolMembers] because calling pool_withdraw_unbonded might decrease the total stake of the pool's bonded_account without adjusting the pallet-internal UnbondingPool's.


concurrentReportsIndex([u8;16], Bytes): Vec<H256>

  • interface: api.query.offences.concurrentReportsIndex
  • summary: A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot.

reports(H256): Option<SpStakingOffenceOffenceDetails>

  • interface: api.query.offences.reports
  • summary: The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers.


affinityEntries(u32): BinaryHeapEnqueuedOrder

  • interface: api.query.onDemandAssignmentProvider.affinityEntries
  • summary: Queue entries that are currently bound to a particular core due to core affinity.

freeEntries(): BinaryHeapEnqueuedOrder

  • interface: api.query.onDemandAssignmentProvider.freeEntries
  • summary: Priority queue for all orders which don't yet (or not any more) have any core affinity.

paraIdAffinity(u32): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsOnDemandTypesCoreAffinityCount>

  • interface: api.query.onDemandAssignmentProvider.paraIdAffinity
  • summary: Maps a ParaId to CoreIndex and keeps track of how many assignments the scheduler has in it's lookahead. Keeping track of this affinity prevents parallel execution of the same ParaId on two or more CoreIndexes.

queueStatus(): PolkadotRuntimeParachainsOnDemandTypesQueueStatusType

  • interface: api.query.onDemandAssignmentProvider.queueStatus
  • summary: Overall status of queue (both free + affinity entries)

revenue(): Vec<u128>

  • interface: api.query.onDemandAssignmentProvider.revenue
  • summary: Keeps track of accumulated revenue from on demand order sales.


v1(u32): Option<Vec<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsInclusionCandidatePendingAvailability>>

  • interface: api.query.paraInclusion.v1
  • summary: Candidates pending availability by ParaId. They form a chain starting from the latest included head of the para. Use a different prefix post-migration to v1, since the v0 PendingAvailability storage would otherwise have the exact same prefix which could cause undefined behaviour when doing the migration.


included(): Option<Null>

  • interface: api.query.paraInherent.included

  • summary: Whether the paras inherent was included within this block.

    The Option<()> is effectively a bool, but it never hits storage in the None variant due to the guarantees of FRAME's storage APIs.

    If this is None at the end of the block, we panic and render the block invalid.

onChainVotes(): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8ScrapedOnChainVotes>

  • interface: api.query.paraInherent.onChainVotes
  • summary: Scraped on chain data for extracting resolved disputes as well as backing votes.


parameters(StagingKusamaRuntimeRuntimeParametersKey): Option<StagingKusamaRuntimeRuntimeParametersValue>

  • interface: api.query.parameters.parameters
  • summary: Stored parameters.


actionsQueue(u32): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.paras.actionsQueue
  • summary: The actions to perform during the start of a specific session index.

codeByHash(H256): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.paras.codeByHash

  • summary: Validation code stored by its hash.

    This storage is consistent with [FutureCodeHash], [CurrentCodeHash] and [PastCodeHash].

codeByHashRefs(H256): u32

  • interface: api.query.paras.codeByHashRefs
  • summary: The number of reference on the validation code in [CodeByHash] storage.

currentCodeHash(u32): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.paras.currentCodeHash

  • summary: The validation code hash of every live para.

    Corresponding code can be retrieved with [CodeByHash].

futureCodeHash(u32): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.paras.futureCodeHash

  • summary: The actual future code hash of a para.

    Corresponding code can be retrieved with [CodeByHash].

futureCodeUpgrades(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.paras.futureCodeUpgrades

  • summary: The block number at which the planned code change is expected for a parachain.

    The change will be applied after the first parablock for this ID included which executes in the context of a relay chain block with a number >= expected_at.

futureCodeUpgradesAt(): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.paras.futureCodeUpgradesAt

  • summary: The list of upcoming future code upgrades.

    Each item is a pair of the parachain and the expected block at which the upgrade should be applied. The upgrade will be applied at the given relay chain block. In contrast to [FutureCodeUpgrades] this code upgrade will be applied regardless the parachain making any progress or not.

    Ordered ascending by block number.

heads(u32): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.paras.heads
  • summary: The head-data of every registered para.

mostRecentContext(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.paras.mostRecentContext
  • summary: The context (relay-chain block number) of the most recent parachain head.

parachains(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.paras.parachains

  • summary: All lease holding parachains. Ordered ascending by ParaId. On demand parachains are not included.

    Consider using the [ParachainsCache] type of modifying.

paraLifecycles(u32): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsParasParaLifecycle>

  • interface: api.query.paras.paraLifecycles
  • summary: The current lifecycle of a all known Para IDs.

pastCodeHash((u32,u32)): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.paras.pastCodeHash

  • summary: Actual past code hash, indicated by the para id as well as the block number at which it became outdated.

    Corresponding code can be retrieved with [CodeByHash].

pastCodeMeta(u32): PolkadotRuntimeParachainsParasParaPastCodeMeta

  • interface: api.query.paras.pastCodeMeta
  • summary: Past code of parachains. The parachains themselves may not be registered anymore, but we also keep their code on-chain for the same amount of time as outdated code to keep it available for approval checkers.

pastCodePruning(): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.paras.pastCodePruning
  • summary: Which paras have past code that needs pruning and the relay-chain block at which the code was replaced. Note that this is the actual height of the included block, not the expected height at which the code upgrade would be applied, although they may be equal. This is to ensure the entire acceptance period is covered, not an offset acceptance period starting from the time at which the parachain perceives a code upgrade as having occurred. Multiple entries for a single para are permitted. Ordered ascending by block number.

pvfActiveVoteList(): Vec<H256>

  • interface: api.query.paras.pvfActiveVoteList
  • summary: The list of all currently active PVF votes. Auxiliary to PvfActiveVoteMap.

pvfActiveVoteMap(H256): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsParasPvfCheckActiveVoteState>

  • interface: api.query.paras.pvfActiveVoteMap

  • summary: All currently active PVF pre-checking votes.


    • There are no PVF pre-checking votes that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa.

upcomingParasGenesis(u32): Option<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsParasParaGenesisArgs>

  • interface: api.query.paras.upcomingParasGenesis

  • summary: Upcoming paras instantiation arguments.

    NOTE that after PVF pre-checking is enabled the para genesis arg will have it's code set to empty. Instead, the code will be saved into the storage right away via CodeByHash.

upcomingUpgrades(): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.paras.upcomingUpgrades

  • summary: The list of upcoming code upgrades.

    Each item is a pair of which para performs a code upgrade and at which relay-chain block it is expected at.

    Ordered ascending by block number.

upgradeCooldowns(): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.paras.upgradeCooldowns

  • summary: The list of parachains that are awaiting for their upgrade restriction to cooldown.

    Ordered ascending by block number.

upgradeGoAheadSignal(u32): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8UpgradeGoAhead>

  • interface: api.query.paras.upgradeGoAheadSignal

  • summary: This is used by the relay-chain to communicate to a parachain a go-ahead with in the upgrade procedure.

    This value is absent when there are no upgrades scheduled or during the time the relay chain performs the checks. It is set at the first relay-chain block when the corresponding parachain can switch its upgrade function. As soon as the parachain's block is included, the value gets reset to None.

    NOTE that this field is used by parachains via merkle storage proofs, therefore changing the format will require migration of parachains.

upgradeRestrictionSignal(u32): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8UpgradeRestriction>

  • interface: api.query.paras.upgradeRestrictionSignal

  • summary: This is used by the relay-chain to communicate that there are restrictions for performing an upgrade for this parachain.

    This may be a because the parachain waits for the upgrade cooldown to expire. Another potential use case is when we want to perform some maintenance (such as storage migration) we could restrict upgrades to make the process simpler.

    NOTE that this field is used by parachains via merkle storage proofs, therefore changing the format will require migration of parachains.


availabilityCores(): Vec<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsSchedulerPalletCoreOccupied>

  • interface: api.query.paraScheduler.availabilityCores

  • summary: One entry for each availability core. The i'th parachain belongs to the i'th core, with the remaining cores all being on demand parachain multiplexers.

    Bounded by the maximum of either of these two values:

    • The number of parachains and parathread multiplexers

    • The number of validators divided by configuration.max_validators_per_core.

claimQueue(): BTreeMap<u32, Vec<PolkadotRuntimeParachainsSchedulerPalletParasEntry>>

  • interface: api.query.paraScheduler.claimQueue
  • summary: One entry for each availability core. The VecDeque represents the assignments to be scheduled on that core. The value contained here will not be valid after the end of a block. Runtime APIs should be used to determine scheduled cores for the upcoming block.

sessionStartBlock(): u32

  • interface: api.query.paraScheduler.sessionStartBlock

  • summary: The block number where the session start occurred. Used to track how many group rotations have occurred.

    Note that in the context of parachains modules the session change is signaled during the block and enacted at the end of the block (at the finalization stage, to be exact). Thus for all intents and purposes the effect of the session change is observed at the block following the session change, block number of which we save in this storage value.

validatorGroups(): Vec<Vec<u32>>

  • interface: api.query.paraScheduler.validatorGroups

  • summary: All the validator groups. One for each core. Indices are into ActiveValidators - not the broader set of Polkadot validators, but instead just the subset used for parachains during this session.

    Bound: The number of cores is the sum of the numbers of parachains and parathread multiplexers. Reasonably, 100-1000. The dominant factor is the number of validators: safe upper bound at 10k.


backersOnDisputes(u32, H256): Option<BTreeSet<u32>>

  • interface: api.query.parasDisputes.backersOnDisputes
  • summary: Backing votes stored for each dispute. This storage is used for slashing.

disputes(u32, H256): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8DisputeState>

  • interface: api.query.parasDisputes.disputes
  • summary: All ongoing or concluded disputes for the last several sessions.

frozen(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.parasDisputes.frozen
  • summary: Whether the chain is frozen. Starts as None. When this is Some, the chain will not accept any new parachain blocks for backing or inclusion, and its value indicates the last valid block number in the chain. It can only be set back to None by governance intervention.

included(u32, H256): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.parasDisputes.included
  • summary: All included blocks on the chain, as well as the block number in this chain that should be reverted back to if the candidate is disputed and determined to be invalid.

lastPrunedSession(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.parasDisputes.lastPrunedSession
  • summary: The last pruned session, if any. All data stored by this module references sessions.


accountKeys(u32): Option<Vec<AccountId32>>

  • interface: api.query.paraSessionInfo.accountKeys
  • summary: The validator account keys of the validators actively participating in parachain consensus.

assignmentKeysUnsafe(): Vec<PolkadotPrimitivesV8AssignmentAppPublic>

  • interface: api.query.paraSessionInfo.assignmentKeysUnsafe
  • summary: Assignment keys for the current session. Note that this API is private due to it being prone to 'off-by-one' at session boundaries. When in doubt, use Sessions API instead.

earliestStoredSession(): u32

  • interface: api.query.paraSessionInfo.earliestStoredSession
  • summary: The earliest session for which previous session info is stored.

sessionExecutorParams(u32): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8ExecutorParams>

  • interface: api.query.paraSessionInfo.sessionExecutorParams
  • summary: Executor parameter set for a given session index

sessions(u32): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8SessionInfo>

  • interface: api.query.paraSessionInfo.sessions
  • summary: Session information in a rolling window. Should have an entry in range EarliestStoredSession..=CurrentSessionIndex. Does not have any entries before the session index in the first session change notification.


activeValidatorIndices(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.parasShared.activeValidatorIndices
  • summary: All the validators actively participating in parachain consensus. Indices are into the broader validator set.

activeValidatorKeys(): Vec<PolkadotPrimitivesV8ValidatorAppPublic>

  • interface: api.query.parasShared.activeValidatorKeys
  • summary: The parachain attestation keys of the validators actively participating in parachain consensus. This should be the same length as ActiveValidatorIndices.

allowedRelayParents(): PolkadotRuntimeParachainsSharedAllowedRelayParentsTracker

  • interface: api.query.parasShared.allowedRelayParents
  • summary: All allowed relay-parents.

currentSessionIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.parasShared.currentSessionIndex
  • summary: The current session index.


unappliedSlashes(u32, H256): Option<PolkadotPrimitivesV8SlashingPendingSlashes>

  • interface: api.query.parasSlashing.unappliedSlashes
  • summary: Validators pending dispute slashes.

validatorSetCounts(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.parasSlashing.validatorSetCounts
  • summary: ValidatorSetCount per session.


preimageFor((H256,u32)): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.preimage.preimageFor

requestStatusFor(H256): Option<PalletPreimageRequestStatus>

  • interface: api.query.preimage.requestStatusFor
  • summary: The request status of a given hash.

statusFor(H256): Option<PalletPreimageOldRequestStatus>

  • interface: api.query.preimage.statusFor
  • summary: The request status of a given hash.


announcements(AccountId32): (Vec<PalletProxyAnnouncement>,u128)

  • interface: api.query.proxy.announcements
  • summary: The announcements made by the proxy (key).

proxies(AccountId32): (Vec<PalletProxyProxyDefinition>,u128)

  • interface: api.query.proxy.proxies
  • summary: The set of account proxies. Maps the account which has delegated to the accounts which are being delegated to, together with the amount held on deposit.


activeRecoveries(AccountId32, AccountId32): Option<PalletRecoveryActiveRecovery>

  • interface: api.query.recovery.activeRecoveries

  • summary: Active recovery attempts.

    First account is the account to be recovered, and the second account is the user trying to recover the account.

proxy(AccountId32): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.recovery.proxy

  • summary: The list of allowed proxy accounts.

    Map from the user who can access it to the recovered account.

recoverable(AccountId32): Option<PalletRecoveryRecoveryConfig>

  • interface: api.query.recovery.recoverable
  • summary: The set of recoverable accounts and their recovery configuration.


decidingCount(u16): u32

  • interface: api.query.referenda.decidingCount
  • summary: The number of referenda being decided currently.

metadataOf(u32): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.referenda.metadataOf

  • summary: The metadata is a general information concerning the referendum. The Hash refers to the preimage of the Preimages provider which can be a JSON dump or IPFS hash of a JSON file.

    Consider a garbage collection for a metadata of finished referendums to unrequest (remove) large preimages.

referendumCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.referenda.referendumCount
  • summary: The next free referendum index, aka the number of referenda started so far.

referendumInfoFor(u32): Option<PalletReferendaReferendumInfoConvictionVotingTally>

  • interface: api.query.referenda.referendumInfoFor
  • summary: Information concerning any given referendum.

trackQueue(u16): Vec<(u32,u128)>

  • interface: api.query.referenda.trackQueue

  • summary: The sorted list of referenda ready to be decided but not yet being decided, ordered by conviction-weighted approvals.

    This should be empty if DecidingCount is less than TrackInfo::max_deciding.


nextFreeParaId(): u32

  • interface: api.query.registrar.nextFreeParaId
  • summary: The next free ParaId.

paras(u32): Option<PolkadotRuntimeCommonParasRegistrarParaInfo>

  • interface: api.query.registrar.paras

  • summary: Amount held on deposit for each para and the original depositor.

    The given account ID is responsible for registering the code and initial head data, but may only do so if it isn't yet registered. (After that, it's up to governance to do so.)

pendingSwap(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.registrar.pendingSwap
  • summary: Pending swap operations.


agenda(u32): Vec<Option<PalletSchedulerScheduled>>

  • interface: api.query.scheduler.agenda
  • summary: Items to be executed, indexed by the block number that they should be executed on.

incompleteSince(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.scheduler.incompleteSince

lookup([u8;32]): Option<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.scheduler.lookup

  • summary: Lookup from a name to the block number and index of the task.

    For v3 -> v4 the previously unbounded identities are Blake2-256 hashed to form the v4 identities.

retries((u32,u32)): Option<PalletSchedulerRetryConfig>

  • interface: api.query.scheduler.retries
  • summary: Retry configurations for items to be executed, indexed by task address.


currentIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.session.currentIndex
  • summary: Current index of the session.

disabledValidators(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.session.disabledValidators

  • summary: Indices of disabled validators.

    The vec is always kept sorted so that we can find whether a given validator is disabled using binary search. It gets cleared when on_session_ending returns a new set of identities.

keyOwner((SpCoreCryptoKeyTypeId,Bytes)): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.session.keyOwner
  • summary: The owner of a key. The key is the KeyTypeId + the encoded key.

nextKeys(AccountId32): Option<StagingKusamaRuntimeSessionKeys>

  • interface: api.query.session.nextKeys
  • summary: The next session keys for a validator.

queuedChanged(): bool

  • interface: api.query.session.queuedChanged
  • summary: True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators has changed in the queued validator set.

queuedKeys(): Vec<(AccountId32,StagingKusamaRuntimeSessionKeys)>

  • interface: api.query.session.queuedKeys
  • summary: The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys will be used to determine the validator's session keys.

validators(): Vec<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.session.validators
  • summary: The current set of validators.


leases(u32): Vec<Option<(AccountId32,u128)>>

  • interface: api.query.slots.leases

  • summary: Amounts held on deposit for each (possibly future) leased parachain.

    The actual amount locked on its behalf by any account at any time is the maximum of the second values of the items in this list whose first value is the account.

    The first item in the list is the amount locked for the current Lease Period. Following items are for the subsequent lease periods.

    The default value (an empty list) implies that the parachain no longer exists (or never existed) as far as this pallet is concerned.

    If a parachain doesn't exist yet but is scheduled to exist in the future, then it will be left-padded with one or more Nones to denote the fact that nothing is held on deposit for the non-existent chain currently, but is held at some point in the future.

    It is illegal for a None value to trail in the list.


bids(): Vec<PalletSocietyBid>

  • interface: api.query.society.bids
  • summary: The current bids, stored ordered by the value of the bid.

candidates(AccountId32): Option<PalletSocietyCandidacy>

  • interface: api.query.society.candidates

challengeRoundCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.society.challengeRoundCount
  • summary: The number of challenge rounds there have been. Used to identify stale DefenderVotes.

defenderVotes(u32, AccountId32): Option<PalletSocietyVote>

  • interface: api.query.society.defenderVotes
  • summary: Votes for the defender, keyed by challenge round.

defending(): Option<(AccountId32,AccountId32,PalletSocietyTally)>

  • interface: api.query.society.defending
  • summary: The defending member currently being challenged, along with a running tally of votes.

founder(): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.society.founder
  • summary: The first member.

head(): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.society.head
  • summary: The most primary from the most recently approved rank 0 members in the society.

memberByIndex(u32): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.society.memberByIndex
  • summary: The current items in Members keyed by their unique index. Keys are densely populated 0..MemberCount (does not include MemberCount).

memberCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.society.memberCount
  • summary: The number of items in Members currently. (Doesn't include SuspendedMembers.)

members(AccountId32): Option<PalletSocietyMemberRecord>

  • interface: api.query.society.members
  • summary: The current members and their rank. Doesn't include SuspendedMembers.

nextHead(): Option<PalletSocietyIntakeRecord>

  • interface: api.query.society.nextHead
  • summary: At the end of the claim period, this contains the most recently approved members (along with their bid and round ID) who is from the most recent round with the lowest bid. They will become the new Head.

parameters(): Option<PalletSocietyGroupParams>

  • interface: api.query.society.parameters
  • summary: The max number of members for the society at one time.

payouts(AccountId32): PalletSocietyPayoutRecord

  • interface: api.query.society.payouts
  • summary: Information regarding rank-0 payouts, past and future.

pot(): u128

  • interface: api.query.society.pot
  • summary: Amount of our account balance that is specifically for the next round's bid(s).

roundCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.society.roundCount
  • summary: The number of rounds which have passed.

rules(): Option<H256>

  • interface: api.query.society.rules
  • summary: A hash of the rules of this society concerning membership. Can only be set once and only by the founder.

skeptic(): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.society.skeptic
  • summary: The current skeptic.

suspendedMembers(AccountId32): Option<PalletSocietyMemberRecord>

  • interface: api.query.society.suspendedMembers
  • summary: The set of suspended members, with their old membership record.

voteClearCursor(AccountId32): Option<Bytes>

  • interface: api.query.society.voteClearCursor
  • summary: Clear-cursor for Vote, map from Candidate -> (Maybe) Cursor.

votes(AccountId32, AccountId32): Option<PalletSocietyVote>

  • interface: api.query.society.votes
  • summary: Double map from Candidate -> Voter -> (Maybe) Vote.


activeEra(): Option<PalletStakingActiveEraInfo>

  • interface: api.query.staking.activeEra

  • summary: The active era information, it holds index and start.

    The active era is the era being currently rewarded. Validator set of this era must be equal to [SessionInterface::validators].

bonded(AccountId32): Option<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.bonded

  • summary: Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account.

    TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since AccountId is a secure hash.

bondedEras(): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.staking.bondedEras

  • summary: A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era.

    Must contains information for eras for the range: [active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]

canceledSlashPayout(): u128

  • interface: api.query.staking.canceledSlashPayout
  • summary: The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance).

chillThreshold(): Option<Percent>

  • interface: api.query.staking.chillThreshold
  • summary: The threshold for when users can start calling chill_other for other validators / nominators. The threshold is compared to the actual number of validators / nominators (CountFor*) in the system compared to the configured max (Max*Count).

claimedRewards(u32, AccountId32): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.claimedRewards

  • summary: History of claimed paged rewards by era and validator.

    This is keyed by era and validator stash which maps to the set of page indexes which have been claimed.

    It is removed after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras.

counterForNominators(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.counterForNominators
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForValidators(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.counterForValidators
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

counterForVirtualStakers(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.counterForVirtualStakers
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

currentEra(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.currentEra

  • summary: The current era index.

    This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator set, it might be active or not.

currentPlannedSession(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.currentPlannedSession

  • summary: The last planned session scheduled by the session pallet.

    This is basically in sync with the call to [pallet_session::SessionManager::new_session].

disabledValidators(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.disabledValidators

  • summary: Indices of validators that have offended in the active era. The offenders are disabled for a whole era. For this reason they are kept here - only staking pallet knows about eras. The implementor of [DisablingStrategy] defines if a validator should be disabled which implicitly means that the implementor also controls the max number of disabled validators.

    The vec is always kept sorted so that we can find whether a given validator has previously offended using binary search.

erasRewardPoints(u32): PalletStakingEraRewardPoints

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasRewardPoints
  • summary: Rewards for the last [Config::HistoryDepth] eras. If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned.

erasStakers(u32, AccountId32): SpStakingExposure

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasStakers

  • summary: Exposure of validator at era.

    This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.

    Is it removed after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras. If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.

    Note: Deprecated since v14. Use EraInfo instead to work with exposures.

erasStakersClipped(u32, AccountId32): SpStakingExposure

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasStakersClipped

  • summary: Clipped Exposure of validator at era.

    Note: This is deprecated, should be used as read-only and will be removed in the future. New Exposures are stored in a paged manner in ErasStakersPaged instead.

    This is similar to [ErasStakers] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the T::MaxExposurePageSize biggest stakers. (Note: the field total and own of the exposure remains unchanged). This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.

    This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.

    It is removed after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras. If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.

    Note: Deprecated since v14. Use EraInfo instead to work with exposures.

erasStakersOverview(u32, AccountId32): Option<SpStakingPagedExposureMetadata>

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasStakersOverview

  • summary: Summary of validator exposure at a given era.

    This contains the total stake in support of the validator and their own stake. In addition, it can also be used to get the number of nominators backing this validator and the number of exposure pages they are divided into. The page count is useful to determine the number of pages of rewards that needs to be claimed.

    This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Should only be accessed through EraInfo.

    Is it removed after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras. If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty overview is returned.

erasStakersPaged(u32, AccountId32, u32): Option<SpStakingExposurePage>

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasStakersPaged

  • summary: Paginated exposure of a validator at given era.

    This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion, then stash account and finally the page. Should only be accessed through EraInfo.

    This is cleared after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras.

erasStartSessionIndex(u32): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasStartSessionIndex

  • summary: The session index at which the era start for the last [Config::HistoryDepth] eras.

    Note: This tracks the starting session (i.e. session index when era start being active) for the eras in [CurrentEra - HISTORY_DEPTH, CurrentEra].

erasTotalStake(u32): u128

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasTotalStake
  • summary: The total amount staked for the last [Config::HistoryDepth] eras. If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned.

erasValidatorPrefs(u32, AccountId32): PalletStakingValidatorPrefs

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasValidatorPrefs

  • summary: Similar to ErasStakers, this holds the preferences of validators.

    This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account.

    Is it removed after [Config::HistoryDepth] eras.

erasValidatorReward(u32): Option<u128>

  • interface: api.query.staking.erasValidatorReward

  • summary: The total validator era payout for the last [Config::HistoryDepth] eras.

    Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward.

forceEra(): PalletStakingForcing

  • interface: api.query.staking.forceEra
  • summary: Mode of era forcing.

invulnerables(): Vec<AccountId32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.invulnerables
  • summary: Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they're easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets.

ledger(AccountId32): Option<PalletStakingStakingLedger>

  • interface: api.query.staking.ledger

  • summary: Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking.

    Note: All the reads and mutations to this storage MUST be done through the methods exposed by [StakingLedger] to ensure data and lock consistency.

maxNominatorsCount(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.maxNominatorsCount

  • summary: The maximum nominator count before we stop allowing new validators to join.

    When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.

maxStakedRewards(): Option<Percent>

  • interface: api.query.staking.maxStakedRewards
  • summary: Maximum staked rewards, i.e. the percentage of the era inflation that is used for stake rewards. See Era payout.

maxValidatorsCount(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.staking.maxValidatorsCount

  • summary: The maximum validator count before we stop allowing new validators to join.

    When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.

minCommission(): Perbill

  • interface: api.query.staking.minCommission

  • summary: The minimum amount of commission that validators can set.

    If set to 0, no limit exists.

minimumActiveStake(): u128

  • interface: api.query.staking.minimumActiveStake
  • summary: The minimum active nominator stake of the last successful election.

minimumValidatorCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.minimumValidatorCount
  • summary: Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed.

minNominatorBond(): u128

  • interface: api.query.staking.minNominatorBond
  • summary: The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a nominator.

minValidatorBond(): u128

  • interface: api.query.staking.minValidatorBond
  • summary: The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a validator.

nominators(AccountId32): Option<PalletStakingNominations>

  • interface: api.query.staking.nominators

  • summary: The map from nominator stash key to their nomination preferences, namely the validators that they wish to support.

    Note that the keys of this storage map might become non-decodable in case the account's [NominationsQuota::MaxNominations] configuration is decreased. In this rare case, these nominators are still existent in storage, their key is correct and retrievable (i.e. contains_key indicates that they exist), but their value cannot be decoded. Therefore, the non-decodable nominators will effectively not-exist, until they re-submit their preferences such that it is within the bounds of the newly set Config::MaxNominations.

    This implies that ::iter_keys().count() and ::iter().count() might return different values for this map. Moreover, the main ::count() is aligned with the former, namely the number of keys that exist.

    Lastly, if any of the nominators become non-decodable, they can be chilled immediately via [Call::chill_other] dispatchable by anyone.

    TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since AccountId is a secure hash.

nominatorSlashInEra(u32, AccountId32): Option<u128>

  • interface: api.query.staking.nominatorSlashInEra
  • summary: All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era.

payee(AccountId32): Option<PalletStakingRewardDestination>

  • interface: api.query.staking.payee

  • summary: Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash.

    TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since AccountId is a secure hash.

slashingSpans(AccountId32): Option<PalletStakingSlashingSlashingSpans>

  • interface: api.query.staking.slashingSpans
  • summary: Slashing spans for stash accounts.

slashRewardFraction(): Perbill

  • interface: api.query.staking.slashRewardFraction

  • summary: The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.

    The rest of the slashed value is handled by the Slash.

spanSlash((AccountId32,u32)): PalletStakingSlashingSpanRecord

  • interface: api.query.staking.spanSlash
  • summary: Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, as well as how much reward has been paid out.

unappliedSlashes(u32): Vec<PalletStakingUnappliedSlash>

  • interface: api.query.staking.unappliedSlashes
  • summary: All unapplied slashes that are queued for later.

validatorCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.staking.validatorCount
  • summary: The ideal number of active validators.

validators(AccountId32): PalletStakingValidatorPrefs

  • interface: api.query.staking.validators

  • summary: The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator.

    TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since AccountId is a secure hash.

validatorSlashInEra(u32, AccountId32): Option<(Perbill,u128)>

  • interface: api.query.staking.validatorSlashInEra
  • summary: All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion and slash value of the era.

virtualStakers(AccountId32): Option<Null>

  • interface: api.query.staking.virtualStakers

  • summary: Stakers whose funds are managed by other pallets.

    This pallet does not apply any locks on them, therefore they are only virtually bonded. They are expected to be keyless accounts and hence should not be allowed to mutate their ledger directly via this pallet. Instead, these accounts are managed by other pallets and accessed via low level apis. We keep track of them to do minimal integrity checks.


These are well-known keys that are always available to the runtime implementation of any Substrate-based network.

changesTrieConfig(): u32

  • interface: api.query.substrate.changesTrieConfig
  • summary: Changes trie configuration is stored under this key.

childStorageKeyPrefix(): u32

  • interface: api.query.substrate.childStorageKeyPrefix
  • summary: Prefix of child storage keys.

code(): Bytes

  • interface: api.query.substrate.code
  • summary: Wasm code of the runtime.

defaultChildStorageKeyPrefix(): u32

  • interface: api.query.substrate.defaultChildStorageKeyPrefix
  • summary: Prefix of the default child storage keys in the top trie.

extrinsicIndex(): u32

  • interface: api.query.substrate.extrinsicIndex
  • summary: Current extrinsic index (u32) is stored under this key.

heapPages(): u64

  • interface: api.query.substrate.heapPages
  • summary: Number of wasm linear memory pages required for execution of the runtime.

intrablockEntropy(): [u8;32]

  • interface: api.query.substrate.intrablockEntropy
  • summary: Current intra-block entropy (a universally unique [u8; 32] value) is stored here.

storageVersionStorageKeyPostfix(): u16

  • interface: api.query.substrate.storageVersionStorageKeyPostfix
  • summary: The storage key postfix that is used to store the [StorageVersion] per pallet.

transactionLevelKey(): u32

  • interface: api.query.substrate.transactionLevelKey
  • summary: The key that holds the current number of active layers.


account(AccountId32): FrameSystemAccountInfo

  • interface: api.query.system.account
  • summary: The full account information for a particular account ID.

allExtrinsicsLen(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.system.allExtrinsicsLen
  • summary: Total length (in bytes) for all extrinsics put together, for the current block.

authorizedUpgrade(): Option<FrameSystemCodeUpgradeAuthorization>

  • interface: api.query.system.authorizedUpgrade
  • summary: Some if a code upgrade has been authorized.

blockHash(u32): H256

  • interface: api.query.system.blockHash
  • summary: Map of block numbers to block hashes.

blockWeight(): FrameSupportDispatchPerDispatchClassWeight

  • interface: api.query.system.blockWeight
  • summary: The current weight for the block.

digest(): SpRuntimeDigest

  • interface: api.query.system.digest
  • summary: Digest of the current block, also part of the block header.

eventCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.system.eventCount
  • summary: The number of events in the Events<T> list.

events(): Vec<FrameSystemEventRecord>

  • interface:

  • summary: Events deposited for the current block.

    NOTE: The item is unbound and should therefore never be read on chain. It could otherwise inflate the PoV size of a block.

    Events have a large in-memory size. Box the events to not go out-of-memory just in case someone still reads them from within the runtime.

eventTopics(H256): Vec<(u32,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.system.eventTopics

  • summary: Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes of events in the <Events<T>> list.

    All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. This allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.

    The value has the type (BlockNumberFor<T>, EventIndex) because if we used only just the EventIndex then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost.

executionPhase(): Option<FrameSystemPhase>

  • interface: api.query.system.executionPhase
  • summary: The execution phase of the block.

extrinsicCount(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.system.extrinsicCount
  • summary: Total extrinsics count for the current block.

extrinsicData(u32): Bytes

  • interface: api.query.system.extrinsicData
  • summary: Extrinsics data for the current block (maps an extrinsic's index to its data).

inherentsApplied(): bool

  • interface: api.query.system.inherentsApplied
  • summary: Whether all inherents have been applied.

lastRuntimeUpgrade(): Option<FrameSystemLastRuntimeUpgradeInfo>

  • interface: api.query.system.lastRuntimeUpgrade
  • summary: Stores the spec_version and spec_name of when the last runtime upgrade happened.

number(): u32

  • interface: api.query.system.number
  • summary: The current block number being processed. Set by execute_block.

parentHash(): H256

  • interface: api.query.system.parentHash
  • summary: Hash of the previous block.

upgradedToTripleRefCount(): bool

  • interface: api.query.system.upgradedToTripleRefCount
  • summary: True if we have upgraded so that AccountInfo contains three types of RefCount. False (default) if not.

upgradedToU32RefCount(): bool

  • interface: api.query.system.upgradedToU32RefCount
  • summary: True if we have upgraded so that type RefCount is u32. False (default) if not.


didUpdate(): bool

  • interface: api.query.timestamp.didUpdate

  • summary: Whether the timestamp has been updated in this block.

    This value is updated to true upon successful submission of a timestamp by a node. It is then checked at the end of each block execution in the on_finalize hook.

now(): u64

  • interface:
  • summary: The current time for the current block.


nextFeeMultiplier(): u128

  • interface: api.query.transactionPayment.nextFeeMultiplier

storageVersion(): PalletTransactionPaymentReleases

  • interface: api.query.transactionPayment.storageVersion


approvals(): Vec<u32>

  • interface: api.query.treasury.approvals
  • summary: Proposal indices that have been approved but not yet awarded.

deactivated(): u128

  • interface: api.query.treasury.deactivated
  • summary: The amount which has been reported as inactive to Currency.

proposalCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.treasury.proposalCount
  • summary: Number of proposals that have been made.

proposals(u32): Option<PalletTreasuryProposal>

  • interface: api.query.treasury.proposals
  • summary: Proposals that have been made.

spendCount(): u32

  • interface: api.query.treasury.spendCount
  • summary: The count of spends that have been made.

spends(u32): Option<PalletTreasurySpendStatus>

  • interface: api.query.treasury.spends
  • summary: Spends that have been approved and being processed.


storageVersion(): PalletVestingReleases

  • interface: api.query.vesting.storageVersion

  • summary: Storage version of the pallet.

    New networks start with latest version, as determined by the genesis build.

vesting(AccountId32): Option<Vec<PalletVestingVestingInfo>>

  • interface: api.query.vesting.vesting
  • summary: Information regarding the vesting of a given account.


counterForListNodes(): u32

  • interface: api.query.voterList.counterForListNodes
  • summary: Counter for the related counted storage map

listBags(u64): Option<PalletBagsListListBag>

  • interface: api.query.voterList.listBags

  • summary: A bag stored in storage.

    Stores a Bag struct, which stores head and tail pointers to itself.

listNodes(AccountId32): Option<PalletBagsListListNode>

  • interface: api.query.voterList.listNodes

  • summary: A single node, within some bag.

    Nodes store links forward and back within their respective bags.


whitelistedCall(H256): Option<Null>

  • interface: api.query.whitelist.whitelistedCall


assetTraps(H256): u32

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.assetTraps

  • summary: The existing asset traps.

    Key is the blake2 256 hash of (origin, versioned Assets) pair. Value is the number of times this pair has been trapped (usually just 1 if it exists at all).

currentMigration(): Option<PalletXcmVersionMigrationStage>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.currentMigration
  • summary: The current migration's stage, if any.

lockedFungibles(AccountId32): Option<Vec<(u128,XcmVersionedLocation)>>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.lockedFungibles
  • summary: Fungible assets which we know are locked on this chain.

queries(u64): Option<PalletXcmQueryStatus>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.queries
  • summary: The ongoing queries.

queryCounter(): u64

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.queryCounter
  • summary: The latest available query index.

recordedXcm(): Option<StagingXcmV4Xcm>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.recordedXcm

  • summary: If [ShouldRecordXcm] is set to true, then the last XCM program executed locally will be stored here. Runtime APIs can fetch the XCM that was executed by accessing this value.

    Only relevant if this pallet is being used as the [xcm_executor::traits::RecordXcm] implementation in the XCM executor configuration.

remoteLockedFungibles(u32, AccountId32, XcmVersionedAssetId): Option<PalletXcmRemoteLockedFungibleRecord>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.remoteLockedFungibles
  • summary: Fungible assets which we know are locked on a remote chain.

safeXcmVersion(): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.safeXcmVersion
  • summary: Default version to encode XCM when latest version of destination is unknown. If None, then the destinations whose XCM version is unknown are considered unreachable.

shouldRecordXcm(): bool

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.shouldRecordXcm

  • summary: Whether or not incoming XCMs (both executed locally and received) should be recorded. Only one XCM program will be recorded at a time. This is meant to be used in runtime APIs, and it's advised it stays false for all other use cases, so as to not degrade regular performance.

    Only relevant if this pallet is being used as the [xcm_executor::traits::RecordXcm] implementation in the XCM executor configuration.

supportedVersion(u32, XcmVersionedLocation): Option<u32>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.supportedVersion
  • summary: The Latest versions that we know various locations support.

versionDiscoveryQueue(): Vec<(XcmVersionedLocation,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.versionDiscoveryQueue
  • summary: Destinations whose latest XCM version we would like to know. Duplicates not allowed, and the u32 counter is the number of times that a send to the destination has been attempted, which is used as a prioritization.

versionNotifiers(u32, XcmVersionedLocation): Option<u64>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.versionNotifiers
  • summary: All locations that we have requested version notifications from.

versionNotifyTargets(u32, XcmVersionedLocation): Option<(u64,SpWeightsWeightV2Weight,u32)>

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.versionNotifyTargets
  • summary: The target locations that are subscribed to our version changes, as well as the most recent of our versions we informed them of.

xcmExecutionSuspended(): bool

  • interface: api.query.xcmPallet.xcmExecutionSuspended
  • summary: Global suspension state of the XCM executor.